Not2sureyet and 4 more Durban thai, 2 more TXL 🤫

The bad with these is there are 4 plants there. And the center ones are falling on to the outers. I will count how many needed tied before I start. I am guessing I will be going through an easy 50’ of ties. I think my roll was a 200’ Maybe a good thing I go over board some times.


All the branches on my bubblegum are getting heavy. They r all starting to weigh themselves down. I might have to tie the up instead of down for a change. This plants buds are double the size of my photos only diff is photo has twice amount of buds at a nice size

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These just went soft over night though. Buds are still the same. It could be a strain issue. But seems odd. There are a few so soft they feel like the would double over if I wasn’t careful. It is all ready getting hot here. I better feed the 2 top feeders. Then get in and find a temporary fix. I am going to look for some plastic hooks. Similar to what the yoyo’s use. That way. I can make a bunch of lines to have ready to use as needed.
And look what I just found.


Not sure what causes that, just have to tie them up for support. It’s why I use a screen, support is always there when/if needed.

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Following! Happy Growing!


Thanks. I would need 3 levels for these. These are in scrogs. So should have lots of lower support. Hooks are on the way. And I will just start tying every thing up as best as I can. I do want to get 3 to 4 more weeks from these


My first thought is a liquid uptake issue: if the plant doesn’t have enough liquid in it’s structure it will become rubbery. Kind of like a wilting plant…


I was trying to google symptoms and boron issue is a main one for rubbery limbs. Dont know what it means but i had that happen yo my plant like i said.


Thanks @Myfriendis410, I am going through close to 4 gallons a day. :thinking: This is a really off day for me. So I tied a few and the others will have to wait till I pick up a little :grin:


I remember you telling me you are drinking a lot of water right now. It would be interesting to find out why.

Take it easy today and just relax with Millie.


Thanks Chief. @Mark0427, this is what I found for the boron. My plants are drinking a lot and are all healthy other than going soft. I will be off and on here trying to see if it is me or the plants fault lol

Problem: A boron deficiency in cannabis is relatively rare unless a plant is under watered or in a really dry environment, and is usually accompanied by other types of nutrient or pH problems that appear as problems with the leaves.

The first signs of a cannabis boron deficiency is abnormal or thick growth tips along with brown or yellow spotting on new leaves


:+1::+1::+1::+1: thanks like i said im no scientists so when ut comes to chemicals hopefully they give a feed schedule

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Thanks @Covertgrower I didn’t want to high jack the other thread. @Covertgrower, Thanks. Have it in the cart now. I want to get a longer ro water line so I can move up to a larger storage container in the grow room. the 12 gallon one is only good for a couple days right now :roll_eyes: The DT are little pigs LOL I have to fill another rez in the morning. I am glad to have 2 side by side. I just turn one line off and the other on. Gives me time to get the new one balanced :grin:


I Need a system like that. Lol

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@Covertgrower, you can get a cheap 12 gal kitchen trash can and make another rez if you wanted. Autopots sells the filter and grommet for a couple bucks. I was getting low on one this morning. I let it go to really drop. I just changed from one to the other. In the morning. I just take what I can from the first and add the the new one. Gives me a little cushion there. And I get to fill a almost empty rez :grin: I regret not giving @Myfriendis410 one. I have a spare that may not ever get used. He is a crafy dude though :grin: I bought all twin pot set ups so I would have extra resistors for different rooms. And always have a free one for the final flush of just water.


I’ll have to think about that one.

The very first post in here shows both :grin:

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I wonder if solution temps may be a little high for amount of oxygen? Sounds like similar issue to over watering, which is equivalent to lack of oxygen in your setup.


@dbrn32, so maybe turn the air domes up more? They are at about 50% on 4 plants


I have no idea how much that is, sorry. But it would probably help? How warm do you think it’s getting? Been hot there if I remember.

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