The start of something wonderful (shed build)

It also gives me something to do. I think if it was to automated it would be no fun. Yes tweaking I will be doing.


Hello friends! Been a while since I have posted but here I am. I am still lurking around not as much the place has seem to have grown. Seems like a lot of repeat questions. Also not having a grow journal going haven’t felt the need to post. I have been focusing on myself and improving my well being. Trying to eliminate unwanted stress and bills. Just paid my car off and there is plan to pay off credit card and then the wife and I will be debt free!! Time to bank some cash after that.

Planning my next grow it is going to be bruce banner and white rhino. Most likely will scrogg again with 4 plants which should fill the space very nicely. I did 5 last grow and it was too much. I am going on vacation next month and then once I return I will start the new grow hopefully.

Hope everyone is well!!
@Screwauger @Countryboyjvd1971 @BIGE @Willd @dbrn32 @highcountrygal @SmoknGranny @North_East_Newbie @Covertgrower @Momtomask


feels good to be out from under the debt @Smokin_ernie

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I with you SE! Not been around the site as much, summertime fun has been taking over my free time :grinning:
Getting out from under debt was the best thing I did for my mental well being. Congrats on paying off your car!!!

I have wanted to grow Brice Banner ever since this site offered it. Their description of the high sounds perfect!
I will be following your new grow, once it starts and most likely doing the same.

Hope you are enjoying your summer!


Nice update and congratulations on paying off debts and taking care of you and yours. Save up as much as you can while you can!
Enjoy your vacation and I’ll expect pictures :grin:
Please tag me in when you start your next grow so I can “root” for you! :hugs:



Definitely do the banner
Heres mine zoom in on her


Hi Ernie! Happy to hear all is well! Enjoy the summer - it goes by quickly! Please tag me when you drop the new beans! Best, Jeb

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Hey S_E @Smokin_ernie Good to “see” ya!!

@Countryboyjvd1971 Nice nice nice!!!

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Well been a while since I updated this post so here we go. I am running lights at night and so far it is working out swimmingly. I added a boost fan to exhaust and extended the ducting to shoot out the window.

Also added the box that air dumps into with carbon pleated filter that is changeable. So far temps are running perfect. I couldn’t be happier! So it seems that a spring and fall are going to be best for the shed to grow. I am confident that it would run during the winter and summer but would be running heat or ac a lot. As of right now heat set to 65 and has been hanging around 70 the heat of lights are doing a great job supplement for heat.

I only have two lights on at moment and will fire up the other two when transplanting the 2 seedlings I got going.

I think that is about it. Enjoy your day !!


Looks awesome @Smokin_ernie

Reminds me a lot of when I first grew indoors in the early 90’s.
I had a neat basement but no basement windows.
We heated the entire house w/ a huge timberland woodstove, furnace was backup.
I tied my exhaust into the furnace chimney but it req. some McGyvering like youi.

Love the looks of your shed build.

Now that it’s legal here I have moved on but I always was researching stealth grow ops and I wanted to build in a sliding book shelf or something to gain entry. Now, screw that, I want a roof garden!!


Thanks buddy!!! Yeah I have had a lot of fun building. I am very happy the way it came out.

Yeah being legal is great but I like the stealthy thing to. My old house I had built a small Area with a secret door. It looked like just a wall but push on wall and door would open. It was in the basement so it was cool.

The other thing I like about indoor I able to control the environment a bit easier. I know how heartbreaking outdoor grows go around here. They can be very successful as shown on this forum. I just like the rooms it feels kind of scientific and all.


I much prefer indoor growing for all of the reasons you cited.
The outdoor thing, at this time of year, takes years off my life.
I was up four times overnight to check the backyard.
The thing smells so good and so strong that it’s like an apple pie cooling in the window!!!

Enjoy Brother! We hope to move in a few yrs and I will be shopping for grow space and planning a build as I want a veg and flower room. Until then, tents and auto’s are meeting my needs!!

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Still working out the bugs for the fall season in the shed. Heat is my issue well it isn’t that bad it is about we’re it was in the spring. Right now it runs 83-88 (I have two sensors in the room) I have my evaporater humidifier going on full blast and the humidity is about 50% lights on 60% lights off. So I was running exhaust and intake at low and have moved them to medium thinking of cranking exhaust.

Also you can see that the exhaust does dump into other room we’re the intake draws from. The dampers don’t fit real snug so there is still a good amount of air moving in and the room is running about 73. So thinking of making or buying a cap for the exhaust so the no air flows in the other room. I do have an AC unit I can run but would rather save that for when it is hot.

I put a door sweep thingy on the one door that had a good size gap which I think that is why the one room is staying in the 70s. Outside temps have been in the mid 50 to low 60.

@Countryboyjvd1971 @Screwauger @dbrn32 @Donaldj @North_East_Newbie @elheffe702 @SilentHippie @Covertgrower


I pull small amount of outside air in to blend with recycled this is adjustable and determined by how much air I dump outside since my entire shed is sealed and exhaust can easily pull volume of entire space every 90 seconds. This means I can in essence get temp to ambient outside temp if I choose so I use roughly 4 control methods fan speed, damper, intake vent and lighting schedule for 75% of environment control humidity is controlled mostly by number and size of plants. My intake consists of a hole in floor where air is coolest with several layers of bug mesh and a plywood damper door


Thanks hmmm now you got me thinking. I did have thought about adding another intake from outside. I leave a window open so I would think that will help a little.


The open window would help yes during summer I block my blending vent entirely so only fresh air is pulled in winter is almost opposite spring and fall are about only time I use damper itself rest of the year rest of the year it’s either all vented or all recycled

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Well didn’t go to store so on to plan B built a cap for exhaust.

A piece of plywood and some cardboard with the mighty duck tape. Put it on just before lights came on. The temp was 69 in the grow room. So we see in a couple hours how it reacted.


Well I checked throughout the evening and before bed it was max 84. Just checked a moment ago and it is 87. Little warmer then I want. I noticed that the shed itself is 64 and work area is 70. So I am drawing somewhat warm air. I added a small desktop fan to window to try and get rid of some warm air. Then I was thinking would the fan be more effective by blowing in some fresh air? Also not sure the fan is strong enough to do anything. I have an in-line 4in fan that thing I could put it some where. Suggestions welcome. I do have ac but trying to avoid using it. I feel like I should be able to control a bit better with the fans. I ran in the spring and temps were about 84. The only thing different is I added the boost fan and filter box.

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it’s a game of tweaks just like indoors adding more fresh cool air is rarely a bad thing

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Good point and yes tweaking and tweaking. Temp was about 81-86 so adding fresh air is going to be the next step. I appreciate the input @Donaldj do you think pulling air from outside better then pulling form the shed itself. The shed is broken down into 3 rooms. Window in one room that is where the exhaust is being dumped. There is room to put a fan to draw in from the outside. I sure I am over thinking it as I usually do.