Round 3 GO GO GO!

Literally all I did was read @Arrow @kaptain3d journals a feel times and went 4 it. I’m still trying 2 get my 1st harvest so y not do everything now


Whenever you have questions guys don’t hesitate. If I can I’ll help, or we’ll find someone who knows! :nerd_face:


Definitely appreciate that. So far I think the advices and suggestions you guys dropped along the way been helping. The ladies are looking healthy and growing after all the bending and twisting





I’m really debating on transplanting my babies 2 a final home and flip in the end of the month. If they male I will take em out. What do you guys think?

They are 30days old from sprouting.
The big ladies are now 42 days old

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Do it! :nerd_face:

And, personally, i would wait at least 2 weeks in their new pots before flipping. To make sure the roots are well-established :nerd_face:


If I do it today I can flip when the big girls turn 8 weeks in veg on the 5th

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Sounds like a great plan, imo.


After transplant when can I bend them over?

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Always allow 4 - 5 days for your plant to get used to her new home. Then you should be good imo. Even better if you notice new growth.

If you’re only doing LST, it’s not really an issue. But when you start the HST, then you need to let your baby recuperate before stressing her more.

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Thank you. Will update tonight when I move them. Will do the hlt method instead of scrog until I find sex maybe even finish that way.


cant wait to go home and see my girls. of course the fams important too. but they take care of themselves. now my plants need me more than my kids (in some ways) damn im getting old.


heres a quick question. im broke as a joke and dont got much in the lines of nutrients which is why ive gone with the Miracle grow for so long. still my blueberry girl is apparently needing calcium. it was just suggested to me to use milk. any thought and recommendations on how much?
@MO_Grow417 @kaptain3d @Covertgrower @MeEasy @Mr_Wormwood

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I’ve seen I think Yoshi say that
Sounds batty as ozzys breakfast cereal to me

I hate the smell of soured milk though

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hey @yoshi might u know anything about using milk for calcium? im a broke a**

maybe powdered milk would be better?

Bro check out Jack’s 321 on e bay you can get a nice deal for cheap that will feed your girls for a long time. After spending 2much money for my outside girls I love the Jack’s. I got a 7lb kit for like $20something

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I dug through my notes and found this one it’s some household stuff as plant food… I tried really hard to remove all the links from it sorry if I missed one

Plants need phosphorus, potassium and calcium in order to produce flowers and fruit and to stimulate good root growth. Good sources of these nutrients include banana peels and eggshells, which can be dried and ground together in a [food processor]. This can used as a good, balanced dry plant food that can be sprinkled on the [soil] or dug in around the roots. Plain calcium antacid tablets can also be pushed directly into the [soil] where they will dissolve slowly. You can also dissolve 1 tablespoon of [baking soda] into 2 quarts of water and use this to water your plants when you want to encourage them to bloom. Wood ashes from your fireplace or fire pit can be dug into your [garden] as a good source of calcium and potassium. Just don’t overdo it, and only use ashes from natural wood and not pre-pressed logs or laminated wood


ill have to keep an eye out. for now that 20$ needs to go in my gas tank.