Round 3 GO GO GO!

U cant get happy frog or ocean forrest soils to u

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Not having a good day today. Stress is thru the roof. Seedlings are dieing. I’m done. I’m mentally done. Can’t even get my outdoor seeds to grow. Only thing I did different is I changed my soil. Seeds went into rockwool cubes spouted and die. All 5 seeds. Nothing. Now I can’t even keep this promix stuff wet enough for my autos to take. I’m done. That’s 100 bucks in seeds and 100 bucks in promix. That’s 200 bucks I’m out with nothing to show for it. I’m done. Need a break.


Try taking the best soil u can get from outside screen it if need be bake it in oven for a while to kill of any bugs and then start there. Stinks baking the soil but it works. My aunts bake all their soils bought from stores and all before using indoors but im sure outside dirt will work do u have some peralite to add to it maybe and work with it. Mg would be good of it didnt have time release nutes in it. Dont give up u must succeed


Where are u located buddy??

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Oshawa Ontario

Are you using promix outside? You can but I would use soil… the real stuff. Some guys make their own but its expensive. I just use good quality farm soil… whatever tomatoes will live in… weed will live in. Then once you find a good source of soil you can improve it. Take a few 5 gallon pails or put a tsrp in the trunk of your car if thats all you have and buy dirt from a farm that sells soil.


The promix is being used indoors. I took my seedlings last night out of the rock wool and put them in miracle grow I had left in solo cups and put them under my main lights. Hopefully they come back but I’m doubtful.

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So I had no choice but to teach my 16yr old daughter how to water my plants. When I looked this morning before work there was nothing to be seen with the autos in the promix. Now a few hours later she tells me 2/3 autos are sprouting. Now if I can only figure out what’s going on with my Bruce banners I’d be ok. Fingers crossed putting them into the MG soil will give them a fighting chance.


If this promix works out for me I might just have to order me an autopot system.

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I was just there man, I did 3 rounds of seeds probably out 500$ by the end.
Then I finally got 5 I wanted and one had genetic issues so it messed up my whole experiment.

If you want to fall back to soil then go ahead but don’t use Miracle grow, use something without nitrogen pellets. So no promix and no miracle grow that “feeds for 6 months” buy an organic soil.
In Canada its near impossible to get fox farms but promix makes organic soil and so do many other places.

You just need to take a deep breath and realize if it was stupid easy everyone would do it.

If you can’t afford it then don’t do it, growing is mad expensive.
I’m not a fan of rock wool, jiffy pucks or rapid rooters. The nursery bags are by far the best item jsut fill them with your medium and coco is the way to go but soil works just poor yeilds.

Take a break and save up if its that stressful, it’s an investment. I’m 8k into my grow by now


Thanks bro. I’m about 7k myself with building my room and setup. It’s hard to justify spending on different upgrades to the wife.
I just saw a video on tiktoc and instead of pouring their water from the top they just filled their driptrays and let it absorb. Could this be my solution??
@Nicky ?

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Yup, once the plants are big enough that their leafs touch the edge of the pot, their roots will have grown to the bottom of the pot.
Although 5 gallon buckets are a bit longer than wide so ide wait a bit more just to be safe, otherwise the growth is slow.

Bottom feeding can’t be don’t to early.


Promix is good but remember its basically hydroponic media, it requires input all the time once the plants have their second set of true leaves. Its also super easy to over water. Its not like coco… you need to let it dry up a tad before you water again. You can mix promix with a pre made supersoil too if you find the fertilizing to much work, but when the roots hit the sides of the pot the food is mostly gone and the plants will suffer.


Im about 100 bucks into my grow lol although my light, room and other stuff would add up to about 2500 maybe 3 grand. The whole thing about my grow is as soon as the weather allows, the plants are under the sun and the room is shut down.
There are a few different pro mix types… they have a pre loaded nursery blend, nobody here sells that. The most common type is promix hp with myco… it has been inoculated but I wouldnt put any faith in the myco surviving transport etc. It has no food in it. Its basically peat moss with perlite.
Peat moss is mined from a bog that takes thousands of years to create, its in limited supply and cant be manufactured, coco is made from ground up coconut husks and is considered a renewable resource… more ecologically sustainable. Coco apparently provides better breathing for roots, it does sequester calcium and magnesium and Cal Mag is required when using.
Peat moss does this less but I would still use cal mag as part of my feeding program.
By far the best way to grow weed indoors, in my mind is pure liquid hydro… way faster nutrient uptake. The downside is you really are playing god and whatever you do to your mix is immediate. All of the above methods are hydroponic… its a lot of work… I dont have tome for that during my work season, so soil it is!


Thanks for the input all. @Nicky @Cannabian @Mark0427 I’m gonna give this promix a run but in July I’m gonna be ordering an autopot system. Till then my coin is spent lol. As of this morning I have four of the banners(for outside) sprouting in their solo cups now with domes on them. And 2 out of three devils have broken soil with the third starting to lift it.


Things are coming around see.
Yes, save for an autopot system and some coco it will pay you back in no time flat.

Find some nice dishes to bottom feed your pro mix buckets in once the plants are large enough.

Or you could also buy some of those water gel crystals that expand like 100x their size to absorb water and mix a bit of those in near the surface they are super cheap

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@Nicky plates? are the drain trays not good enough? Don’t think I’ll need to bottom feed now that my daughter water’s for me between classes. Don’t those beads absorb and retain the water keeping it from the plants?

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I believe the beads soak up water and swell but as the soil around it dries it sucks the moosture from the beads to keep it moist longer.


Plates as in saucers if you were going that bottom feed method

@beardless is correct about the crystals.

Often in horticulture we add these to potting mixes along with perlite and vermiculite, compost and peat/coco/ dirt.

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Ok so do I mix the beads all thru? Prior to filling the buckets? And also do the beads prevent the transfer of the nutrients? Do they retain the nutes as they dry up?

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