Newbie here and just wanting to confirm time to harvest

I think that l have 2-3 weeks to go with my outdoor grow.! Took my jeweler’s loom and held up to my phone for pictures. Pretty impressive how well they turned out. :sunglasses:
Thanks for all the help I have gotten and learned from you guys! :smiley:



Really nice grow. :blush::blush: @Yeager

Thanks…… I have learned a lot on my first grow.
Next will be much bigger and better I am sure.
Had a lot of setbacks and feel lucky to get what I have.


I can relate. I just finished a first grow and now I know a little more if what to do and not to do.
Happy growing to you! :blush: Here are a couple pics of the start to my current grow.


I lost about 6 plants in my learning curve. :disappointed:
I have 2 surviving ones…. Here is the other which is much bigger.:sunglasses:
Plant in the first post is about 3 foot tall and this one is over 6 foot.


Looks like you’re off to a great start! :sunglasses:

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Wow!!! I wish I could grow outside. Not positive here right now!

I do believe you have a handle on those two. :blush:

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Thank You! I learned a lot. Soil was my biggest mistake in the first grow.


I went through the whole gammit of problems!
Soil, watering, nutrients, bugs especially gnats!
Even had a late cold snap that nearly wiped out everything!
I have learned a lot!

Don’t mist them. That is hard on the leaves.


what did you do about the gnats? I find myself have that problem now.

I used “Mosquito Bits”. Sprinkle some on the soil around your plant. If they are bad as mine were….I took the foot part of an old pair of pantyhose… put about a cup full in it and soaked in warm water to make a tea. Poured it around my plants after it cooled.
The gnats only live for about 24 hours, but the larvae in the not only feed on your roots but lay over 300 eggs a day!
Mosquito Bits make them sterile… that combined with a short lifespan gets rid of them in a day or so.
Worked great for me! YouTube is where I learned about it and it’s supposed to be safe for humans & animals.
Good Luck :+1:


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Wicked plant and buds man. As far as harvest time it’s really a preference. As far as I understand, cloudy trichomes give the clear daytime high most ppl are looking for and amber trichomes have more of a narcotic, “couch-lock” feel.

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My buds are really starting to stack nicely!
Picture taken today


I think you still have a while to go the trichomes look clear to me when u have around 20%amber and the rest cloudy

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Long ways to go, but nice looking plants.

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Thanks…. Here’s a picture of a bud at mid-level of my larger plant. I can’t reach the top ones for a comparison photo. They are both “Yeager Kush”. :sunglasses:



Nice, I see them getting much bigger. Hopefully you’ll have enough time where you live to get them completely mature.

When did they start flower? They look great, but they do have more time to go.