My very first Seedling

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Are both pics the same plants ? I have always used paper towels but added more water for a day just to try the soak method and did notice they cracked one or two days faster than I expected.

No the first picture of the seedlings are the ones from ILGM they’re a week old.

The second picture is the bag seed plants that were done with the paper towel method and they’re 1 month old now.

Oh, OK thanks

Can anyone tell me what these are

At the base of your branches I see the plant attempted to show sex. Or little nubs were rubbed off somehow.usually they are right at the base but the plant has grown since then. Maybe you exposed some of the plant by taking leaves and those branches had a growth spurt.

Oh, dah, looks like you pinched the top to promote branch growth.don’t know how I didn’t notice that right away.

Yeah I pinched it a little bit back so is it showing sex if so I can’t tell which :confused:

Is this a male???

Sure looks like pollen sack to me. Pluck it out. I have had a confused plant before. I tried to keep up with plucking out the banana looking things and she decided to just bud and it worked out with only a few premature seeds at harvest. I must had stressed them somehow .

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to mount my new inline fan and carbon filter to my ceiling or side wall? Hanging the filter seems to be the issue if anyone can help I would appreciate it.

Can anyone tell me what kinda deficiency this is I’ve looked on charts but can’t seem to find anything that matches it good just a lot of possibilities???

Do a lot of leaves lookalike that. Maybe even other branches but the same node. If it were just a couple of them , maybe the tallest , could be hot spots. Just a guess.

Oh, if the symptom was on every branch and the same node on each it could be a mistake when you fed. I’m far from a pro, I happened to forget to adjust ph in one of my four gallon buckets and that happened to me, only I had brown spots.

Yeah they’re a few small spots on other leaves but now almost every plant I have is drooping horribly every time I water them they look like they’re dying but I’m using distilled water ph 5.5 temperature 72-79 hum. 50-60% fans circulating air and everything I’ve messed up somewhere along the line

Sounds like you may need to let them dry out a little more before you water. Try lifting on one side slightly to see how heavy. The pot will get surprisingly light before she they will wilt. If they are too wet the roots will drown. They need oxygen. Drowning too often will rot roots and they can’t come back from that.

If you use tap water, check the PH after adding your feed. I always let my water stand in my grow tent to vent off the chlorine. I have hard water so I have to PH down.

My ph has to be off at this point. Last week I broke my ph meter while putting the cap back on. So for the last week I’ve only been giving them bottled water that I know for sure the ph is 5.5 .

Is it possible they need fed some nutes I’ve only ever fed them once and that was about a month ago? I can’t stand the dropping anymore I’ve been trying to get them dried out but it seems to make them worse looking if I do that??

Yes, if they are yellowing from the bottom up that would be a lack of nitrogen maybe, if they are dropping leaves also that could mean they are getting too root bound .