Lack of nitrogen?


You should not have a higher N in flower, and as I already said, phosphorous is for early flower but not so much in late flower.

And what you are saying about stress and potassium, I’m sorry, that just doesn’t make sense.


Yes thats true, but he has a seedling and if he doesn’t do anything here in the next couple of days. Then all this is for not.
I understand Donsld that he was looking for other options but he only has one.
And I respect your advice! :smile:


And not 1 point ddid I say you should have a higher nitrogen ratio in flower please re-read that part

Ok I see your point of view, yea I agree with you on the behalf of the sedling they don’t need nutrients at all that’s asking to burn your little plant :smile:

That is exactly what you typed. If you need to clarify it with proper punctuation or re-write it so it more clearly expresses what you meant, well then, clarify away, but that is exactly what you said.


Here maybe this will help, the ratios are way out of proportion but read the descriptions my friend

What about them? I’m sorry if you are in a hurry, but you are not making much sense.


Ok my apologies I need the rereading lol that was supposed to say high p-k in flower than the n ratio, again I’m sorry like I said I needed the rereading and clearly did state that but now it’s restated in this post the way it was supposed to be

I know like I said my apologies I needed the rereading and re verbed what I was trying to say

For your information it’s an auto correct excuse me I’ll just but out peace man I’m not trying to dispute or argue

Oh, ok, so you mean the higher potassium can increase stress tolerance, not create more stress.

And, yes, phosphorous is good for root establishment.

These are in vaguely described the graphic, but I better understand what you were trying to say now.

Ok glad we got the air cleared but ill let you help from here my good sir as you have more experience

And yes that’s what I was trying to say it was hard to get it to come out and be said right lol pain in the butt auto correct hate it… And i figured I couldn’t say it right so the chart could help me explain it a little bit better

Puff puff pass :sunglasses: awefully heated topic for a little seedling …

We got the air clear here lol and i did i stepped away had a puff ans now I’m back :smile:

Well if you think we got confused, imagine the poor new grower, lol.

It’s all good, and I hope it does make things clearer to whomever might read this stuff and need the clarification.


Lol right I hear ya, and yea or at least a refresher haha, but they should take in perspective that those ratios on the chart are way out of proportion and way off I wouldn’t advise tryin a ratio like that lol

Yeah, that part I understood right away, Yes, I wouldn’t go much higher than about a 4-8-8 or something similar, as I stated above.

Right, I was just posting that for other people as you and I already had a conversation about soil ratios earlier lol some where in here

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Once again I appreciate your opinion on that