JR Peters dry salts

I must say as I’m surfing around learning it’s pretty cool to see you guys scratching the surface on Jack’s all these years ago lol. Following in your footsteps :sunglasses:

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plants amnesia haze fem. im at 8 weeks inside 4x4 with 1600led just started using 5.1.1 fish poop 1tbls per gallon bottle says once every 3weeks can i do it more often? plants seem to LOVE it

Depends on media, feeding habits, and environmentals really. There are a lot of situations where you could feed this weekly no problem. You want to make sure that you’re covering all required macros and micros at reasonable dose without providing so much it builds up to toxic or lockout levels. Best thing to do is feed balanced mixtures are reasonable ppm/ec

I use jacks 20-20-20 with good results also I use their blossom booster

I used jr peters before it was purchased by miracle grow I now use it rebranded as jacks classic

When was it purchased by scotts? I knew they were talking about trying to acquire peters, but i didn’t see listed as a Scott’s company.


Not exactly sure but Jr peters seems to have rebranded to jacks classic since I had been active in horticulture

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Jacks classic is a line from jr peters


Can’t get Jack here down under, though I was able to get some Peters online and thought it might be worth a try?

What are your thoughts, on this and would these fertilisers be good for DWC?

Picture of the packages…

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Never seen them before. I’m not sure how good they would be by themselves but I think you could find use for them. Bag on right says it’s a foliar feed? That may not jive well with hydroponic grow.

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