Journal 2: Upgraded Setup

Lol what the hell fam. I can dig it. :fist:t4:


Was high af seemed like great idea at the time🤪


It was great mane! Haha


Thanks for the tag. I’m tuned to watching. Better late than never. Lookin good, this party is off to good start :+1:t2: :v:t2:


@repins12 thanks man! Glad to have you tagging along. Stay tuned

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Sep 13

Off to the races they go! 2 Purple Kush & 1 Platinum Cookie seeds broke ground so the bags are coming off. I checked on the second PC and she’s good just a little slow so I’m leaving the bag on her for another day. Temp is currently at 26C humidity is around 50%. As soon as the second PC breaks ground I’ll go ahead and turn on the humidifier to provide higher humidity, probably keep it between 60%-70% Then lower it a little bit as they get bigger.

I had to change my display as it was getting dirty and messy from the drainage holes.


I don’t have time to read it right now but Im watching and I’ll back read later tag me if you need anything specific answered.
Okay just noticed.

So just give them water and keep their humidity up, once they pop put them under 24hr light for the first one or two weeks.
You don’t need to feed them until they have a set of real leafs, then feed the minium Jack’s mix.
Mine are sorts there now.

Make sure you let them dry out good in between each watering and giving ph’d water once they pop.


I’m gonna tag along if u don’t mind


@Nicky Thanks man and no rush I’m sure you’re a busy man! Right now I have the lights on 24/7 to keep it warm around 26C otherwise it will be lower. I’m using promix so I’m following my mentors advice of watering daily with promix but now that I’m using jacks, I’m going to be mixing jack’s everytime I’m watering them so I’m waiting to see what schedule he’s going to be giving me or if I should even water everyday @Myfriendis410. Thanks for your input man. Glad to have you on board!

@Dagao22 Id love it if you tag along man. It will be a long ride


Once your on the juice keep on it, you don’t need to water everyday but water when your pots are light, and by water I mean feed

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@Nicky Sounds good man! Your plants look nice and healthy by the way. I’m watching closely

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Thank you.
I’m waiting for hydration packs before giving I final weight on my last grow to.

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@Nicky Nice! Hopefully they get there soon. Do you ever come down to NS?

Dono what NS stands for lol

So now that they are beginning, be extremely careful with your watering. They really dont need much at all. You mist likely have surplus water that the roots can expand into. We are talking onlybwhat they need and when they need it. Make the root stretch by watering only the perimeter and stay away from the stem.
Oh one more thing, unless you use domething like seaweed and kelp extract super watered down… no fertilizer, as the cotyledons are providing all the goods she needs for 2 sets of true leaves. I usually use diluted seaweed and kelp extract with humic acid little plants love the stuff.


@Nicky Nova Scotia

@Cannabian Thanks for the feedback. The medium is still moist so I’m leaving it as is for now and will monitor it. I’m using promix it has myco in it as well so I’m only watering until theyre 2-3 weeks old then I’ll probably start feeding them jack’s. Are you using soil or some other medium?


set to watch :+1:t2:

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@bazoo Glad to have you on board Bazoo! Its going to be a fun one

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I start em in straight promix hp, then once they come out of the 3 inch square nursery pots, I blend 1 pRt supersoil with 3 parts promix and pot up to 1 gallon pots. Then when the hit the sides of those I mix 50/ 50 promix and ss and go to 3 gallon. Then they are transplanted outdoors into natural soil.


@Cannabian thanks for your response sir. I just saw your plants. They’re BEASTS, awesome work! I’ll be picking your brain a lot if that’s ok

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