Grow light issue

@Graysin ph is 5.95 and idk much about ppm or the effect it has on the plants but 5,050 probably isn’t good huh? :grimacing:

@Graysin I got 5 gallons of filtered water that is 58 ppm and 6.4 ph before nutes

There’s the source of your problem.

In hydroponics, 800-1200 is the baseline, I aim for 800-1000 unless she looks real hungry.

Once you get up over 1500 or so, you’re more likely than not causing nutrient lockout by oversupplying. What happens is part of a greater symbiotic relationship between the nutrients, where excess of one or more can create an abnormally high demand on others and prevent absorption of many.

Here’s a “handy” chart that depicts the relationship between nutrients, and hopefully shows why too much of any one can really throw everything out of balance.

My recommendation is to dump the reservoirs, wash them out, and start over with a fresh dose of nutes at 1/2 strength, then check PPMs and top it up to get around 1000-1200.


@Graysin thanks for helping me get to the source of the issue, I appreciate it.

This makes more sense. If this was light damage it wouldn’t be the same at bottom of plant that it is top. The tops would be most damaged and bottoms very little to no damage.


i had that exact same issue with AN and it looked identical!! …i was swearing it was the lights…THEY TOO STRONG!! but in fact it was septoria due to multiple factors including aggressive feeding massive nutrients in the AN line! whats worse is grow after grow i would keep ending up with what i thought initially was “burn holes” because of such a badass light but reality septoria spores were in my grow area and continued to infect each harvest …finally i got an ozone machine and now i run an ozone machine in my tents after every grow. hope this helps

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