Gold Rush with the new chiller. Still looking for 3lbs

What are you looking at? I see dark is it slimy?


@Grandaddy013 Just water is best for a mid flower flush the flawless is for striping the plant of all the stuff you used to grow her so u don’t want to strip it yet you will give issues to her so again just water for 24hr like @peachfuzz said

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The roots are white. I’m looking at the brown balls

Did you just use the Plant Success Granuals? Is your piping from your DWC flowing directly into the root ball spot with the “brown balls”? Are the brown balls gritty to the touch?

I used the Plant Success. They are in 5gal buckets with air stones. No piping. Didn’t check to see if they were gritty, but I had a lot of grit in my buckets when I emptied them

How. I have did you use per 5 gal? Should be at 1/2 teaspoon/5gl. As previously mentioned, the granuals are the carrier for the microbes and may not fully dissolve but should not be detrimental to your plants/roots. Other than MaxiBloom what else do you have in your mix? What else have you introduced that is new?

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The plant success is the only thing new. I also use Diamond Nectar, ArmorSi, and CalMag

How many gallons did you treat and how much did you use? looks like the granuals got caught up in the roots but it looks like a shit load more than 1/2 teaspoon/5gal. Mine sit at the bottom of the pail, how did the granuals get kicked into your roots?

I have 2 airstones in each bucket. I probably put too much, I just poured some in.

A little bit goes a long way. This stuff is potent. There are literally BILLIONS of microorganisms per gram. There is probably more organisms in 1 gram then in an entire gallon jug of Hydroguard. Next time measure and mix it in and let settle before. Don’t dump it in on your roots.

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Should I just rinse the roots off

You could try to shake it out and let it settle on the bottom. The bacteria and fungus are already dispersed into the entire bucket. Just keep an eye out for any negative effects. There shouldn’t be any, but with other fungus studied there can be a negative dose effect on seedlings. Your plants are past that stage. When is your next change?

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Not sure what I’m looking at…:thinking:

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I changed it yesterday

Changed reservoir today after 24hr flush.

And these clones are some ugly little bitches


FREAKIN MONSTERS! You going to get your 3 elbows before its over man. Nice!


Thanks man, I’m trying


My dads turned out the same way it took a while for them to grow regular leaves again but they r in soil not hydro

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@peachfuzz how long before these clones take off like a regular plant would?
Inquiring minds want to know


Was it you telling me about drilling stems?