Full of life: BudBrother’s No-till gardening with probiotics by incorporating KNF practices into your cannabis growing style

Thanks, but I wouldn’t call this thriving. Green fo sho.

At least there are pistols popping again, and my trichs are starting to come back again.

Daily limits on Redfish & sea trout. Lots of fugu as well.


There’s definitely some stuntage, but overall they’re still going. They’ll start throwing More pistils here hopefully in a few days so you’ll get some extra weight back. (Sort of)


That Huernia Zebrina is a beauty :heart_eyes:
Glad you had some fun and hopefully some relaxation on your vaca. Doesn’t sound like you were to relaxed after your return. That had to stress you out. I probably would have cried. Nice job on the save :clap: you kept your head and put together a nice meal for the microbes and soil. The rhizosphere hopefully held on to some good microbes too. they’re gonna pump out some serious frost after that stress.
I wish you would have gotten a before shot. Would be cool to see how much better they look now.


I’ve got clones of everything. I’m pheno hunting, so really all I need is a good representation of the smoke. I can cull the average smokin’ stuff, and narrow down my breeding stock. Not a total loss, but a huge setback during a key developmental phase. Yield and terps will surely suffer. The loss of so many leaves, leaves little room for error. Especially since they have stopped putting out new leaves by this week of growth. But, it shoulf make for golf ball nugs.


Drought resistance and ability to handle stress are good phenos. Maybe you helped your hunt. I’m sure you can get them to turn out nice solid nugs.


I couldn’t bring myself to take a picture of the devastation. I did smoke a couple of the dried up tops to see if there was any flavor. Nope.

Go up to post #310. There you can see the canopy before, and then see it now.

Drought resistance, I have some landrace strains that I can breed into keepers


Well air flow isn’t an issue anyway :wink::upside_down_face:
Im trying to help you see the bright side :sparkles: :smirk: :grin:


i’m hurting for smoke right now. The bright side is that they survived. :hot_face: Even with the lack of a working ventilation system (smacking my head). Also, that I have the knowledge and experience to cope with such an issue a rising.

Lost a couple clones in the clone tent. Still have time to redo them.

Veg tent is fine though.

The male tent has no air flow in it. Just an intake on humidity controller. That plant lost no leaves and was bone dry. The humidity was on point in there.


Hope you had a good time out fishing! I need more of this


The fishing was just okay this year. A bit harder going at least. We went a lil bit later, so the water was a bit warmer than the last 5 years. We are fishing in 2-3.5’ water in the grass flats.

Arrived in bull shark mating season. It’s kinda like dealing with seals when fishing strippers in Maine. A fish on the hook is an easy meal, if you don’t get it in fast enough.


My Bud Brother I’m stoked to see you! Thank you Barry :pray: for the heads up. :sunglasses: I got some catching up to do! I hope you don’t mind if I hang out. :v::call_me_hand:


Things improving


Same plant as of today @Covertgrower


She looks good considering… She’s finishing up nice though. :sunglasses:


@Hoppiefrog this FR3 has the burnt plastic, musky, smelly gym bag, funk.


This is a neglected male, that I was showing some love, tonight. I know it’s easier to see a picture of a deficiency than it is a drawing off the net. This is classic S def, demonstrated in real life.

Notice the healthy green of the meristem has become woody looking, and it is working its way up.

The yellow, lower, crispy leaves is another sign. The oldest leaves are the first ones cannibalized for S, so it may continue growing. Growth will be stunted.

You will notice lime green leaves as it works it’s way up. The petiole will purple. The leaves edges will yellow, while the veins stay green.

This is similar to the beginning of K def. @elheffe702 mistook it for this on his plant

He was treating it for the wrong deficiency. Easy mistake to do. That’s why I’m making this teachable post for all y’all.

Back to my plant with the same yellow edges as his above.

It is distinguished from K def by lack of burned leaf edges. Eventually the veins yellow and whole leaf looks like in first picture. Notice the tips will burn away one by one. It continues eating its way up the plant until resolved or mass defoliation occurs.


That’s definitely a rarer pheno ,of all you ran and that I ran that one is unique


We must have been on the phone for too long haha , look outside that’s the sun coming up haha !!


I got wrapped up with my bitchez after we hung up. Naw it’s 4:26 here, and I’m celebrating. We did talk for quite a while. My phone died in the middle of that S post. I had to plug it in and get back fast; before the option to edit was gone.


I smoked a damn sativa. Might as well had drank an espresso, for all the good that did me. Fuq it! I’m up, with no sleep soon in sight. Actually, that sounds good. I’m gonna make a caramel macchiato quad shot and smoke more. Don’t wanna fuq my sleep schedule all up.