First grow under way! Three Lemon Haze 100% sativa in a 4 x 4 x 7 in soil under 900W LED

Who said anything about legal??? ummmm…


I remember this. I was growing up in Michigan at that time. We actually called it Christmas bud. A lot of it was pretty gassy smelling. Likely smuggled in a gas tank.

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Oh I know what Texas can get like - you get both ends of the scales.
We had a severely bad fire season here last summer - the fire front no more than an hour south of me. It is scary how fast the humidity drops through the floor - everything that grows just about dies.
I could probably handle clones in summer - but not much else - and it would be high risk.

Don’t move those Doritos too far mate!


Oh really??? I thought Aussie was legal?
I don’t have many attachments there…however, I am an honorary member of the Royal Australian Air Force. Our Squadrons worked together on all the Aussie C-130J models in Kuwait. They made homemade wine, forgot the name. But never been so drunk!


Damn yessir, they either dried cured it with gasoline, yup that was a thing. Or like you said, they stashed them in their tanks for travel.
That’s crazy man. 90’s weed was shit, but man it still worked haha. I’m sure you have just as many fond memories!!


Yep, except when a seed makes it into the joint and you basically rolled up a small bomb


Oh really? Very cool! Yeah we had a lot of our forces over there.
It is legal in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) to grow 3 plants I think. The ACT border is about 90 minute drive south of me… We are really slow on the uptake of some things. Medically it’s changing fast - but not for recreational use.


@Cannabian…since we are here reminiscing, thought you would like this.
Flying home from Afghanistan, we had plane issues so we diverted from Dover, Maine, and ended up in Gander…Canada/Newfoundland???
In…JANUARY!!! Pretty sure my eyes are still a little snow blind. I e never seen so much damned snow!


That tiny trail of smoke that WILL get directly into your eye!!!


Bwahaha YESSSS!!! Those little seed bombs accounted for about 80% of all clothes/couch burns. Hahaha awesome


Ahhhh ok, thanks for the explain.
Don’t understand how being a further distance away from ACT could factor into legal/illegal…freaking politicians, still think weed is the devil :roll_eyes:

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Smoke cannot cross borders lol
I know - it makes no sense. We have the situation where there are the ACT Police Force, New South Wales Police Force and the Federal Police! The state and territory each have their own laws - but they are overseen by the federal police! It’s a bureaucratic dogs breakfast.

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It’s only a matter of time until the entire world finally comes around. Yeah there are bad apples that’s really gonna make growers and smokers look bad. But damn just read a scientific journal about all of the amazing wonderful benefits of Cannabis, especially in cancer and HIV patients. On top of that, the Hemp, making clothes, rope, soaps, and so on. It’s time for the world to wake up to this and get that “stigma” off this beautiful, beneficial plant!


Absolutely! We had a Hemp Expo here last year - big event - took over a race course for a weekend. It was fascinating - and that was before I seriously considered growing.
More recently, I’ve been enjoying its pain relief. Had back surgery late last year - so not working - but I hate taking the prescribed meds - they have side effects and are addictive. I take them if I need them - but for me they are a last resort.


HEMP EXPO!!! Sounds amazing. I bet there was so much cool stuff!
Sorry to hear about your back man. I know that is very painful, but super stoked you get relief from God’s all natural pain medicine!
I got thrown from my aircraft tow vehicle, and landed directly on my head. Fall was about 9ft.
Shattered my ankle as well. Long story short. Bleeding in the brain, seizures for 2 yrs. and extreme short term memory loss. And I completely agree with your pain meds comments. I too have some for, in case of emergency, break glass. But they are so few and far between, because the flower has the exact!!! Pain relief functionality!!! Bless you. Brother!

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We need to be a bit careful, because big pharma would love nothing more than to control cannabis too! Imagine if the laws were changed that cannabis was only to be sold through them?
Like never gonna happen! :laughing: the hills are alive with the sound of growers la la la la!


Can definitely see that scenario coming to light. However, I do believe they underestimate the “people”. It would be a battle for the ages hahha


Oh that is a nasty landing!
Mine was minor in comparison. Work injury, laying on my side and undoing a bolt with a ratchet - it was stuck. I gave it an extra effort - and felt something ‘go’. Short story, shower, agony, meds, blur, L4 disc displaced by 6mm. Surgery and now 7 months later recovery.
Functionality - that is it exactly. On meds - that goes out the window - or somewhere - can never remember where I put it…


Absolutely! They already have the ‘top secret’ grow facilities up and running!

All we want is a happy medium!!!


I topped my NL two times before flower. That and LST is why they were 12" or less when they flipped.
If it were me, I would only top the apical stem at the node that gets it even with the rest of the plant. Then use the net as intended to keep the canopy as even as possible.