First Grow need advise Va man

I hadn’t seen it either I don’t like the fuzzy look of it for sure, but could be nothing

It is and thanks for all your help!

It is ? Mold, I hope not but sorry to be the bearer of bad news :cry: if it is

Hello it appears to be exactly that unfortunately. I did not trim the fan (got lazy!) leaves which over time smothered the buds with added moisture . Lesson learned. Thanks for all your guidance. :pensive:

Hello and good morning. I have a girl of mine that may be close to harvest. I cut her bud in half to get a digital image. Please take a look at her and advise. Thank u!

Here she is

Hello all as I cure I noticed the moisture content of my buds in grove bags. Is this typical that the buds would accumulate more moisture while inside grove? They all seem a bit moist but were dry when placed in grove.

@Lmckenzie0322 do you use a moisture meter or have any type of rh meter in the bags? They’re probably just pulling moisture out from within themselves but you have to be careful about how soon you bag them. How long did you hang dry?

I had them hanging for 7 days. I pulled them at 12%. However it is possible the probes didn’t reach the bud core. They are still moist to the touch. The meter indicates 78% humidity.

I have this little tool in my junk drawer :laughing:


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Thank you! I took this shot this morning of what I believe to be a hermie.

she refuses to bud, no sacs though as far as I can see. I’m afraid he may pollinate everything I have going on right now! Please help!

Here’s a closer look.

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I don’t see anything hermie (boy parts) it’s got a pretty good tip on it called a foxtail it looks like a couple in the background are the same way so I’d say it’s just a genetic thing and just how it’s going to grow.

What do you use for a light, and how is it setup? Sometimes to much light can cause a plant to get foxtails. Here’s some reading about them.

@MeEasy is right! I only see a female here…

And don’t forget: worries and fidgeting kills more plants than patience… :crazy_face:

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Thanks guys I really appreciate your help with this. I have an SF-4000 like so…

she’s at 80% power about a foot and a half away. I needed to net several of the colas, up to a couple days ago they were growing into the light!

I have a bad case of the f*ckwithits and have killed many plants that would have probably lived in other hands :laughing: so yes guilty as charged :grimacing:


I just can’t leave them alone! This hobby is very addictive!

Guilty as charged too my friend… I’ve killed countless plants because I was worried and tried to fix issues that were non-existing… :nerd_face: :man_facepalming:


Just ran out of likes, so you sir get nothing!! :laughing: :rofl: :green_heart::green_heart:

I’ll learn it’s just going to take some time… :roll_eyes: