First grow ever RDWC

@Jaydawg6528 maybe I’m missing something here but you say nobody has been able to help you figure out what’s wrong with your plants.
In fact @BetrayedSoul @Myfriendis410 @peachfuzz @Covertgrower and myself has tried to help. This thread is only 11 days old but yet you stated the the bug issue you were asking help for was 4 weeks ago. If you sprayed your plants whether it was 4 weeks or 10 days according to this thread. The bugs probably caused the damage along with the (spray maybe) depending on what you used, and when you used it.
Are you seeing new growth with the same kind of damage or any new damage?

In hydro, if you are using a good brand of nutes, and staying on top of ph, because the roots have instant access to the nutes, there’s just not a hole lot that can go wrong.

Hopefully your ph meter is still calibrated,
If your using calmag and something like armor si for strengthening the plants, you have to add the armor si first. Then add calmag, then nutes and then hydroguard, if you use it. Mixing order is important for the chemicals to bind to one another.

From what I see, I’m seeing like covert said either a calmag issue or lock out at some point or even possibly whatever you sprayed on them and that damaged the leaves. Those leaves will not recover.
Sorry for any confusion or saying something you already know. Good luck! :v: :+1: :sunglasses:


The only thing I sprayed them with was some hydrogen peroxide a couple drops of dawn and a gallon of water in my pump sprayer then I waited three days and sprayed with captain jacks. The damage just started showing up when I put in the new lights. I did switch nutes like 2 or 3 days before I started noticing the damage. I was using the GH 3 part with cal mag then switched to the GH DUO and added cal mag and kool bloom. Cal mag added. Cal mag at 4 ml per gallon first then part A at 7.5ml per then part B at 15ml per and then kool bloom at 2ml per gallon then the PH is usually around 5.5 without any adjustment. I’m using RO water I’ve cut off a lot of the damaged stuff a little each night the lower parts don’t have the damage the top does.

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@BetrayedSoul @Myfriendis410 @peachfuzz @Bulldognuts @Covertgrower @Watt-Sun

Could the hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, changing lights, and new nutes possibly stressed the plant out to the point of getting these spots?

My thinking maybe, too much at once??
I’m not sure about the peroxide or any spray for that matter.


Entirely possible.

Strongly suspect the leaves got burned at some point. Maybe the new lights accelerated it but again; maybe not? Sorry; it looks like you’re in the sweet spot with nutes.


Did you spray them right before lights out? Spraying that on the leaves and then baking it on with the lights could also be the problem. But Covertgrower says it needs calcium, and the others have their opinions. I would not trust my diagnosis, I was just thinking out loud. Just ride the storm out and try some cal mag.

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I only sprayed them when I had mites that was 4 1/2 5 weeks ago I havnt sprayed any thing since then. I did find this bug last night it’s not a mite


It was like 4 1/2 5 weeks ago I sprayed them before I even flipped to flower

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Looks like an aphid.


Do you think the spots on the leaves could be from where he sprayed the plants (and then left them under the lights)? Every once in awhile I would get a leaf wet while watering and it would leave spots on them which are similar to the spots on his plants. I always heard it’s best to spray them right before lights out. Is this true? Thank you sir (from another covert “trying to grow.” lol


No worries Patchman, and in my experience I’ve burned the crap out of my leaves spraying them during lights on.
The spray could yes, entirely possible.


Hey friend! If not an aphid, I think what you have there could be a young ‘squash bug’. They come in different varieties but they feed on the sap in the leaves and leave yellow/brown spots…

Not sure where in the world you are or if you get them where you are but it looks similar to me. I could be way off… :woman_shrugging::joy:

Hope they recover soon! :crossed_fingers:


Thats not a stink bug. We call them stink bugs or stink beetles. Because u kill one and they smell like u stepped in poop

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Nah, they are different. Often mistaken for stink bugs. It says that in the article :wink:


Same thing I was thinking, that and possibly the spraying.


Ok so I will sum this up for you real fast.

Ph to 5.8

Ppm is to low for flower. I would be at 800ppm to 850 myself.

Keep water temp under 70f

In your post along the way I do remember seeing that the ph was being set wrong and the ppm was 450 or so.
Wrong ph will lock out certain nutrients from being absorbed.
The low ppm makes there not be enough nutrients for the plants to uptake causing what you have which is an obvious deficiency, regardless of extra burning from applications to the leaves you must fix the ppm and ph for the plant to grow it’s best and not get worse deficiency. The old damaged leaves wont heal so watch the new growth for healthy leaves.
Always apply any foliar spray at lights out. Has time to do its thing and dry up before the lights come back on. The light through a drop of water or whatever is like a magnifying glass and will burn spots.

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@BetrayedSoul @Hellraiser @CalamityJane @Covertgrower @patchman So I’m not sure we’re you pick up on my story from. I don’t spray anything on my plants I only sprayed one time when I had spider mites that was like 5 1/2 6 weeks ago. My issue with the PPM being so low is the plants don’t like it very high I keep getting an Nutrient Burn so I dilute it I can only run about quarter of what it supposed to be. My newest issue along with the leaves is I’ve stress them out too much cutting too much of the damage leaves off and now they have hermits I believe Below are some pics of it


How close do you think I am to harvest here’s the newest pictures I might tricombs


Looks like swollen calyxes. No worries. Trichome color looks ready to me. That’s where I like them.


Dude I get your story from the post. I have explained the problems and given solutions. I mention burning because so many said it was burning from whatever was sprayed and being the nice guy I am instead of saying" they are all wrong " I explained that bit about burning leaves within my post about how your obvious deficiency could be fixed, but who am I anyways rite. I’ll tell ya what. I wont help again . Best of luck and happy 420

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Looks fine, not seeing any hermits. Lots of white pistils and clear trichs, I’d say you have about 3 weeks til ripe for picking.