Droopy top of plant?

You definitely need to up-pot to something bigger, or you’ll run into issues. Doesn’t need to be a gazillion gallons, but probably at least double what you already have.


I was thinking 10 gallons from 5 would be a reasonable pop up

@blackthumbbetty @Big123
You guys convinced me. I just ordered 10 gallon cloth bags to pot up with! Hopefully I get it right, u have mykos and azos from a sample pack i ordered from Xtreme Gardening…will be able to use that for the transplant…any suggestions as to a safe way to go about changing containers?


Probably going to have to cut-off the old pots. Will be awkward, for sure. Probably a 2 person job.


I cut fabric bags down both sides and slide off carefully into new pots when re-potting.

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I’ve got a bag and half of FFOF left over from the original potting, hopefully that will suffice…new bags arrive tomorrow! I’m making new stands today to accommodate the larger cloth pot diameter :+1:

Wow those ladies are huge! Solid advise all around. Cant wait to see them bud up for you

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Thank you @PurpNGold74! I’m looking forward to flowering!

Hey @thedeernad just take your time. Its not rocket science. You are going to wish you went bigger than 10 gallons. I DO understand your position though. I went from 10 gallon to 25 gallon this grow. Luckily…its legal here in Boston. Take full advantage of the Azos and Mykos. I use both. Make sure you go to the site and watch the short videos they have. Also consider doing a tea. Comes with the kit. Again, a little time consuming…but your plants will love you. Good luck, happy grow.:v::sunglasses:

@stretchgfw.1957 thank you for the advice! This is my first year really giving growing a real focused go around, and I am incredibly surprised at how far I’ve gotten, considering I started out knowing next to nothing. The advice and knowledge I’ve gained from this community is incredible and I’m still learning new stuff all the time.

That being said, I wish I would have gone with 10 gallon colth pots and potted up to 25s for finishing, that is the plan for next year. However, I am going to be moving hopefully by the new year, so kinda glad I don’t have monster plants to have to move around incase of house showings and whatnot…

Cloth bags arrive tomorrow afternoon, I’ll be sure to use my mykos and azos, been saving them for a good time like now! I did use the tea earlier this week, and the plants loved it, so I will be looking into getting more!

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She survived, and is looking less droopy!


This one blows me away…just when I think it couldn’t possibly grow any more it does…almost as tall as I am now…

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Those fan leaves on the last one are HUGE! wowowow

What strain is that??

So all 5 of those plants are bagseed (5/5 female too :grin:). My buddy knows a grower from the boston area and these seeds are from one of his grows where a plant went hermi and polenated that batch. I talked to this guy the last time he was in town and the strain is Blue Bird crossed with Blue Dream if I’m not mistaken…

This was in the jar too

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This one is younger than the droopy plant by a month too…


You might want to tie that up with some vineyard tape, it can split when it gets weightier.

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Will do! :+1:

@Big123 @blackthumbbetty
Am I going to be running a risk by transplanting this close to flowering? Should I be looking to loose a little soil from my root ball? Or literally just cut the bag and drop the mass in the new pot and fill in? Heres how the pistils are looking right now…