California Indoor then Outdoor Organic Soil Auto Grow

Looking good!


Those are going to get so freaking big!!


Thank you @Dbpooper


I’m super happy with how they’re doing and impressed by their handling of the cool weather. Once it warns back up they will be ready to takeoff :flight_departure:


Oh yeah. I remember last years auto grow. You got on Ansel Adams on some of the photos!

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Haha, I tried for sure, haha

I did some more LST on the bigger plant in the 200 gallon container. High of only 54 degrees today, supposed to warm into low 60’s tomorrow :heart:


I’ve been reading and planning. I’m wanting to start making a living soil. I’ve been looking at a lot of different recipes and learning what each additive adds. I do already have some things on hand like bone meal because I use it for my outdoor flower bulbs (tulips, hyacinth, etc ) Do you have your soil recipe posted on one of your journals? I also have a ton of leftover happy frog Which I think should work as a good base after I add a more perlite, worm castings and some compost. Do you reuse your soil?


Hi @GreenJewels

Yes, I reuse my soil. I go through and dig out all the roots, dump it into a bigger container, add some compost here and there, mix it up and let it sit for at least week or so. I add in more new potting soil too, and maybe add more peat too if I have it. I use wood chips and earthworm castings in summer grows for mulch layer, I will scrape top layer off with shovel and keep separate. I have used on outdoor, non Mary Jane plant, needing a mulch layer.

I use this one because it’s easy for me to obtain, and it’s been easier for me to buy this than mix it up myself. I do have a couple compost containers for banana peels and other material too.

Contains: Aged Fir Bark, Aged Redwood, Sphagnum Peat Moss, Pumice, Earthworm Castings, Sand, Feather Meal, Oyster Shell Lim (pH adjuster), Dolomite Lime (pH adjuster), Bat Guano, Alfalfa Meal, Kelp Meal, and wetting agent (yucca schdigera saponin).


Thanks for the info. I plan to keep on learning. I compost only good stuff because I use it on my flower/herb gardens. I also compost my huge amount of leaves I have each fall. My big beach tree is surrounded by my leaf compost. I have a ton of different mushrooms pop up in the leaf compost, so I suppose it’s leaf/ mushroom compost. I have a Lions mane mushroom that grows in the beach tree by the pile. They’re good to eat :yum:
I hope to eventually learn enough to be able to safely incorporate both of my compost piles and my used soil into my mix. I can obtain bat guano but I’m not doing that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :face_vomiting::grin: for now, I’ll buy the ingredients to be safe. Thanks and stay healthy :v::green_heart::seedling:


I put up cages around 65 gallon Candy Cane and :100: gallon GG#4

Took off mini greenhouses and watered with rain water, 61 degrees and sunny :heart: I’m most grateful :four_leaf_clover:


Greenhouse won’t fit Candy Cane in 65 gallon bag with cage, she will go without…for now.

Cheers to the spring equinox!


:beers::beers: to bountiful harvests!!

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Thank you @Dbpooper

They have made so much progress compared with 11 days ago, they are very cold hardy once they’re established and supercharged by a high power indoor start. Autos truly have amazing genetics.


Couldn’t agree more with that last statement, they’ve made leaps and bounds in the last decade.

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Thank you @Dbpooper

One plant had an accident, I’m trying to root a couple tops from broken stem as clones now.

I put down earthworm castings and micro bark mulch layer on 2 containers resting on concrete.

I’m most grateful folks.


Hopefully they’ll root! If not oh well it happens, they’ll bounce back.


Agreed, I was bummed at 1st because who does not love a big cola?

I think it will work out better between the 2 plants in the 200 gallon container with one being topped.


Sometimes 2 tops are better than one, spread those growth hormones out a lil more evenly :slight_smile: outta likes for awhile. :+1::+1:


They’ve grown quite a bit!


@AAA thank you, I’m amazed by how well the autos handle cool weather once they’re established.

The Candy Cane in the :100: gallon bag flowering… I’m most grateful Folks.


I lost track how long since they popped dirt till now flowering?

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