At it again. Still a rookie!

They look ok to me. If anything the little wrinkled guy may look a bit damp


Yea those leaves are a bit wonky, but nothing glaringly alarming comes to mind.


Ok that’s what I was thinking but wasn’t sure cause I never had it happen to me before, but that makes since 2 solo cups popped on the 19th
The auto on the 25th and the GG#4 the 29th….so will see how this all goes lol

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Yes definitely wonky but will see how it goes. I’m going to let it dry out all way this time before water. Or maybe it’s just genetics who knows.


The lil ones get strange leaves all the time,they almost always grow out of it

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A little wrinkly but I’m sure she’ll be fine


I agree with the others. This nothing to worry about unless you start seeing similar stuff on newer growth.

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Just transplanted today. @AfgVet @Audiofreak @MidwestGuy @Pinboy @PurpNGold74 @anon1893985 @dbrn32 @MeEasy @MattyBear @HippieRunner1
I’m using FFOF so what do you guys think about 6weeks until I should have to top feed, and do you think the lady in the 5gallon I could top now?


The bottom left is the Auto.

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I top dress after 30 days, remember with dry nutrients what you do today will take a week or more to get to the plant… obviously a liquid tea would get there quickly but a foliar application is almost instant which is helpful if you see an issue pop up


MeEasy has you on the feeding.

As for topping goes, I would let her go a little more. Personally I like to top once they’ve grown their 6th node or set of branches. I cut it down to about 1/2” or so above the third node


Lookin good Gunther, the others gave some good advice on the questions


I need to study up on this. I’ve been more or less following Hellraisers teachings. I’ve been topping usually after the 5th or even 6th node but I see your advice in hitting them after the 3rd. 1 thing I do know for sure is that you have your act together, I’ve been stalking your journal for a long time!


jumping in to watch along

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What’s kind of foliar application do you use and do you spray from bottom up so the leaves don’t dry?

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When your working with photos, when do you put them into flower, do you keep tract of how long they been in veg or is there something you look for before going into flower. And if you were in my position using the FFOF what kind of nutes would you use?


I would say more like 4 weeks, but usually depends on your watering habits and environmental conditions a little.

Also think you should wait a little bit to top if that’s what you plan to do.


Yea I was going to wait a little bit cause I did just repot them. Do you personally top your plants? What are your thoughts about topping? And do Auto’s really not like to be topped

I have only been spraying with a peroxide water mix but I’m planning on buying one of the foggers so I can try some different things. There are products out there sold ready to use that claim to have great results, of course my old brain can’t think of any name brands right now but if I find them I’ll tag you with what I find