WWA issue no growth

  • What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed: White widow auto from ILGM
  • Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF : soil fox farm OF
  • Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths3 1/2 G plastic
  • PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable): ph in 6.5
  • PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable : fox farm trio
  • Indoor or Outdoor : indoor
  • Light system :1000 w LED and 600w dual flower veg LED
  • Temps; Day, Night : n 68. d79
  • Humidity; Day, Night : n 45rh. d 57rh
  • Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size: 4 in inline and two oscilating fans
  • AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, : dehumidifier
  • Co2; Yes, No : co2 bag

So i have 4 new plants geminated in solo cups no issues. 3 at 3 weeks one at 2 weeks trans planted into pots. Since being trans planted they have stopped all growth. Its been 5 days and im starting to get concerned. I have tried to avoid over watering so i gave them a good drink and nutes when trans planting but only small water since. Some leaves are turning yellow. Any ideas would be helpful thanks.

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You may have fed too soon. I don’t grow in soil, but from what I understand foxfarms is a hot soil.

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First; lets get pictures in natural light. Can’t see any issues with the blurple.

Second; discontinue nutes! FFOF is hot and has everything the plant needs to get at least to flower.

It’s entirely possible the plants are putting out roots before building a canopy. This is something we all deal with: growth occurs above AND below ground.


Sorry thought that might be an issue…here are better pics. I read about the nutes being to hot for ff after i gave them the first feed. Stopped since. Also just what is the proper amount to water? I mean ive heard the let em drain a

nd lift em for weight and all but i tried that on a previous grow and after letting the plants “dry” after i pulled em the soil was still pretty wet. Im sure im screwin it up.

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Saturating the pot only works if you have a large enough canopy for high transpiration of moisture. When they are small like that it’s a bit tougher to manage. It’s also a moving target as their demand for water will increase. I would suggest investing in some fabric pots which increases airflow to the roots (a very good thing) and helps speed up the wet to dry cycle. At this point I’d be watering perhaps 8 oz of water every couple of days. Make sure there’s plenty of airflow across them too.

You’re right: picking up the pot is the normal manner in which we all judge how dry they are.


I see. Thanks.

My WW did the same thing after trans planting them it just took a little while for the roots to get going again then they took off


You just transplanted them…
They are building a bigger root structure…
Once that’s done , plants will start to build aboveground… :wink:


So this might be normal even after after 5 days?

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Look good to me especially if you just transplanted them just phed water next water and make sure you let them dry out to much moisture can be a sign of yellow leaves they dont look droopy tho they look fine honestly

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[quote=“Phoneman, post:9, topic:33999, full:true”]
So this might be normal even after after 5 days?
[/quote] yes this is normal give them a little time then watch out they’ll take off

When u disrupt the roots ever and dont use a transplant shock reducer there is usually a rebound period… the leaves are erect and look good u got lots if branches comm UK ng start tying them branches to the sides of the buckets to increase your yeild