Vahillbilly’s Grow Journal

Makes perfect sense. Thank you so much yoshi ive been around a time or two and folks with your cut, jib, whatever the common vanaculare is are very rare gems indeed. So again thank you with all the light and love I have. Peace and Happy Growing Brother.

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Thank you @SilvaBack203, im just a old dumb hillbilly trying to do better. If I continue to meet such awesome people I believe that my sucess will be assured. Thanks to you and everyone else for such a warm reception. Other places ive looked havent been anything like here. Yall really seem to be straight up folks like me. That might actually give a damn. Peace and Happy Growing to you Always.


Feel it in your heart the words , not religion the power of words language in rhythm numerical vibrations energy.


You will love the community in that case alot of knowledge been shared

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In the beginning there was the Word. I believe it means the supreme creators actual voice. Ive followed that belief most of my life I just didnt know there were others like me.

All im saying is you can live through it , grow through it , and you will get through it , Just do small things daily to stay one step ahead and dont let your left hand know what your right hand doing and youll be just fine by fathers day and ready to go again better than ever !

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I know. Sorry about :arrow_up: i was a little medicated.

Sorry Yoshi didnt mean to sound all Billy Grammy.

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@yoshi soil slurrying O.M.G. why wasnt I doing this before??? After i adjusted the soil as you explained I can already tell a huge difference in their growth rate. Thanks man.


Never saw an outdoor scrog, they’re beautiful :heart_eyes:

They were just outside for pictures. Hero shots lol.


:sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I gotcha ,
great shot

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I only try to help others so it be a fun exciting experience , most folks give uo after a few times of getting it wrong but if you get it right youll cobtinue and a friend with weed is a friend of mines indeed !


Great philisophy friend. Maybe one day the world will catch on. Lol @yoshi


This was my first semi scrog, had to put the net on to hold the plant upright

The damn thing tried to take up over half the tent :v:t4:


Nice jungle :green_heart::green_heart:


Looks like a bush hog needed to harvest ! :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :+1:


@repins12 you should have left it and keep tucking but what a nice bush , you should revert it back to veg after you harvest you bud for a second re run for a much bigger stronger yield !

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Not sure what you are talking about :v:

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You know where you are.??? Your in the jungle baby!!!

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