Trying to place an order for seeds but unable to get past Captcha!

Trying to place my first order for seeds on here having used the blog and journal for a while - but unable to access my account in the seed bank. I have items saved to the wishlist - but it won’t even get me in that far.
Any assistance appreciated.
I have had to order elsewhere so as not to miss out (timing) - but would like to place my order in the near future.

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I’m not sure if you are saying that you can’t get to ILGM seed site or something else. I’ll post the link that should take you directly to site.

Once you get on site, just click icon of person in the upper right hand corner.

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Thanks for the response mate.
No. I have an account set up in the seed bank - had a few ‘favourited’. But when I try to log into the seed bank, it takes me to the password page - complete - all good. I hit enter and it shows me the Captcha ‘not a bot’ thing - which I tick and hit submit. It takes me back to my log in page (start). I can see I have favourites - just cannot access the account to do anything about it.
It is probably a bug of some sort - I can access my journals no problem - it is the seed bank where I hit a wall.
Thanks again.

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Sounds like you’re possibly entering the wrong password or need to the password recovery thing

I wish it was as easy as that. I know my email and password are right - because I can get in here to my journal. :+1:

Are you sure you used the same for both (I know they aren’t actually the same account)

103% certain

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Probably another dumb suggestion have you tried rebooting device you are trying to access site from. I actually had the same thing happen. Sort of forgot about it until you described it in detail.

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Definitely not a dumb question!
On this occasion - that is not the situation. My phone or tablet won’t let me in either.
It’s not a major panic (the seeds I want aren’t on sale this time). I’ll keep trying to access for the next couple of days - and reassess if needed. :face_with_monocle: :+1: :sunglasses:

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Aren’t they 2 different account setups ?

Possibly ? Lmao I have no clue but I may be correct and that is why I hate the internet. One place makes you add a symbol yet the other doesnt then next thing ya forget wtf is going on and you just want to tear your pc from the wall and throw it out the damn window !!!

Ok did that make sense?

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I definitely understand this part. When Vista came out on windows I really liked it. Apparently no one else did, so when they released the next O.S I wasn’t happy about it. I can’t remember what it was, but there was something simple that I was wanting to do and couldn’t do it. No exaggeration I came close to opening window and tossing entire desktop out. The wife had to come in and try to calm me down.


Yes they are different. But I know all are correct. :+1:

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Have you considered the possibility that you might actually be a robot…? :smiley::wink:

The only other thing I can think of, other than what’s already been suggested, is clearing all your cookies and temp files. You might even have to go in and delete site specific temp files for that site.