Should I let her go or continue to try?

I see your light is listed at 110w power draw. That is the number to go by. :white_check_mark:

Recommend you run both switches the entire grow. :grin:


To start a new thread, go to the home page by clicking the I<3GM logo at the top, the start new topic is on the right. Here’s a pic.

Click the new topic button right under the leaf picture. I’d select “grow journal” as your category. That way as things come up, you can keep them all together.

Good luck!


Thank you!! Im going to take your suggestions and do a bit of work on the wrapping and build her up a little around her leggy stem in a bit.


PS - I’m not overly thrilled with the inclusion of a Jiffy pellet with the P4P, but I’ve known a bunch of people who have used them successfully.

If you are going to try to unpot her to remove the net please be super careful - I imagine roots haven’t made it to the edge of the pellet yet, but still…


Slow, careful, deliberate movements. Don’t want to disturb her any more than necessary.

Yes, she looks fine.

Nope, roots are taking all the energy right now. The growth explosion happens later. :exploding_head:


Hi @WonderGirl33 ! I was tagged in this thread; yes, I’ve used p4p four times. I can’t add much to what others have said. She looks good. :+1:


Look i would keep growing it she is probably putting down roots u want her under a light so she doesn’t get leggy and if she is leggy already back fill ur pot with soil to hold her up stick with it


Thanks @Spiney_norman @HMGRWN @Aussie_autos @Graysin @Fiz and everyone else that responded!! I removed the jiffy pot netting and put her back in, backfilling up to bottom leaves. I adjusted her lights so that she is getting full spectrum (blue and red). Crossing fingers for her success. Only germed one seed since I am a total novice; work in progress and a learning experience for sure. Thanks All for your advice and encouragement!!!


I grew one my first grow too. My second I ended up with five! Going forward it’s likely going to be two.

I think having one plant helps you to really focus on how the plant grows, and gaining knowledge you will use going forward.

Good luck!


@WonderGirl33 we are all here to help and to encourage people to keep going and never give up if you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask us all have a great experience growing just remember to use the k.i.s.s method

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Love K.I.S.S. method :slight_smile: Thank you!