Seeds in Rockwool

I bought the fridge for extra drinks (we always have cold water bottles, diet sodas for us, and seltzer waters for my sister’s boyfriend plus any alcoholic beverages etc) but it seems to be entirely filled with weed and no drinks these days. :joy: my wife and I just replace our sodas as we drink them in the main house fridge.

My sister did give me an extra fridge a while back, it’ll be the new weed fridge… I just have to get my friend’s crap out of my garage so I can plug it in. :joy::rofl::joy:


Last fall, we upgraded our mini fridge, with the old mini being kept as the beer fridge. The beer fridge has higher humidity, so I’ll need to store (more) weed in that. It took the winter to see how much the RH declines in the Grove Bags when stored in a closet. Winter/Spring RH in the house is generally anywhere from 15%-25%. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Yeah, our house, in the winter, runs about 20%


Super arid here until summer. Grove bags are not doing well here. Luckily I have been saving up jars this year. I can usually keep those at a stable RH.


Can’t u make a burp bucket with an air pump and line to self burp every now and again on its own.


Ugh… For 16 different strains or could you keep them in something inside the buckets?


Totes work well for curing large quanities. Make sure you use tote liners, (black garbage bags) and fill them 3/4 to the rim and fold the plastic over the top and place your lid on. Treat em just like you would jars and burp em daily and have another empty tote handy to turn them out.


Burp buckets? Search this phrase:

Cannabis Auto Curing System DIY


Nice. Thanks for the info


Thats pretty creative!!


I’ve been working on a website while I’ve been away from the grow. I’ve got 3 plants who need glamor shots taken still (the 3 regs) but everyone else should be accounted for at least with 1 representative pic.

The show has been great - we haven’t even started yet, we just got set up. But wow.

It’s always so exciting to be amidst all the potters of the world and seeing so much talent. :star_struck: @SynysterChris you would get a kick out of all the ceramics in this place.


!!! That’s freaken awesome!! I wish I could break away for a day, I miss going to those shows!

Haha I’ve actually been playing with some of that clay that bakes in the oven,
I got it for my daughter and nephew but now I’m putting leaf imprints on it to cut out and paint, gonna make magnets or just leaf-based things that hang on walls to give to any small business shop that I deal with as a gift :sweat_smile:

Website looks awesome so far!! Killing it!


I got ya on the KoolAid Breath in a few weeks! Great page!!!


Oh I love that. Get some green FIMO, make yourself some pot leaves and paint the veins with some acrylics or something. Wicked fun.

Thanks y’all. I just can’t wait to see what everyone does with the genetics. I know the photos from other folks will be way better than my own.

Looking at you @Docnraq and @The_Cannabowlist - y’all got photo skills that put me to shame. :joy::rofl::v:


Can someone recommend to me the best 800-Watt LED Full Spectrum and watering settings for these different stages of planting around 18 pots of feminized “Blue Dream” seeds?
Days to Days : Example 1 to 7 days
Light Height (mm) :
Dimming Level :
Spectra / Spectrum Level :
Time to Time (am/pm) :
Watering Requirements : (if possible. Thanks)
Other bits of Advice :

Days to Days :
Light Height (mm) :
Dimming Level :
Spectra / Spectrum Level :
Time to Time (am/pm) :
Watering Requirements :
Other bits of Advice :

Days to Days :
Light Height (mm) :
Dimming Level :
Spectra / Spectrum Level :
Time to Time (am/pm) :
Watering Requirements :
Other bits of Advice :

Days to Days :
Light Height (mm) :
Dimming Level :
Spectra / Spectrum Level :
Time to Time (am/pm) :
Watering Requirements :
Other bits of Advice :

Harvest & Drying
Days to Days :
Light Height (mm) :
Dimming Level :
Spectra / Spectrum Level :
Time to Time (am/pm) :
Watering Requirements :
Other bits of Advice :

Buds Storage after trimming
Days to Days :
Light Height (mm) :
Dimming Level :
Spectra / Spectrum Level :
Time to Time (am/pm) :
Watering Requirements :
Other bits of Advice :

I’ll have to look into FIMO, never heard of it until now that’s how out of the loop I am xD

I’ll try to get some good high quality white wedding pics when she’s good and ripe :slight_smile: so far she’s chugging along in her solo cup and my first impression is she’s very tolerant, considering I often don’t remember and/or have time to water her more frequently than the others since she’s got about 5 gallons less coco haha.
This one was just a test-clone to get an idea of her bud and her needs, but I think I might uppot her to at least a 1G so she can show more of that potential :slight_smile:


What country/state are you in? That will help us help you find what’s available in your area.

18 plants is a lot.
How much space are you planning to use?

For indoor grows, yield is determined more by available square footage, less by how many plants you grow at once.

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Dear Graysin,

I have just started the construction of a 4-story indoor growing facility building (in Thailand) and are expected to seed (Blue Dream) around early June 23’. I plan to plant around 2,000 plants per batch using 2 floors specifically for growing. I have sourced the LED lights. Just want to be sure of the methods are correct to grow them and use your advice to make sure the grower’s team are doing the right thing. Hence, my list of questions earlier.

Appreciate if someone could fill in the blanks for me to use it as a guide and countermeasure.


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That one is scale beyond my wheelhouse.
@HippieRunner1 @Slym3r @SynysterChris @ConcreteBudz are commercial or commercial-adjacent growers who may have more insight on scale.

As far as the lights, just make sure you’re looking at true watts (the watts the light pulls from the wall) and not “watt equivalent” numbers (I.e. a 100 watt fixture that claims to work as well as a 800 watt HID fixture).


Um idk that part I know they do their drying in big buckets all set to timers to specifically let so much air in and then that fresh air pushed old air out. The one I seen dude had like 40 buckets all set up one bucket per plant I guess. It was a huge operation tho. Super cool idea for someone who has the ching to make this for themselves. A burpless dry and cure as it does it all on its own. Here is the video I seen maybe it will help give u an idea