Psilocybin Adventures

Spectacular failure lesson learned! So, yesterday I realized that the Thai Lipa/Burma box was contaminated. I had been treating a tiny spot of green and it seemed resolved. I had thought it was the base of a shroom I had not got during harvsest and had picked the green out. In retrospect, probably not the best line of attack. Yesterday, near that area, on top where there had been a bloom of some white spots, which I now know probably was a strain of penicillin, it had turned blue green. Scraped it off, set aside, scraped top and sides, put that to soak, with the Corumba scrapings in a box with bbq wood chips of oak, then distributed to three places in yard yesterday evening. Took the Thai Lipa/Burma box and soaked it in a tub. About four hours later went to check and this amazing bloom of powdery black mold was on it. Like a lot. So took that entire mess and put it in another area of the yard where the neighbor’s sprinkler lines leak through our fence and I think a possible sewer line leak and put it there.

Corumba in the tub in dark. If it makes it makes it. I’ve got two syringes to use coming any day now that I can do this, what round 4?, and do it right. There is A LOT I will do differently now. So instead of using them outside I will do tubs. And hey, I am pricing out the pieces to make my own tub and it is ridiculously cheap but Gorilla kits will sell the pieces for $59 in a package, but are out of stock. Basically AC Infinity muffin fans, timer, Gorilla Kits sells a pre filer bell thingy but hey, micropore and holes work just as well.


My koi tub may have some contamination issues also upset about it hopefully it’s not a total loss I’ll know in another week. But at least have another tub colonizing and three jars of the Lucy’s are going also.


Seeing some mycelium growth on the vermiculite now.
I have been misting and fanning 3 times a day. Once early AM and then twice in the evening.
Wondering how my tub looks… some condensation build up but I’ve been trying to keep the outsides of the container with more spray.
So I suppose it’s going well… we’ll see I guess.

Also… don’t mind the vermiculite all over my perlite… had a cake roll on me when I was draining some excess water off the bottom :heavy_check_mark:


Quick clean check on the tub and also put tub inside trash bag to cut back on the fae. Maybe check back in on it in 10 days. North Spore grain bag doing well too as with other popcorn jars. :mushroom: :heavy_check_mark:


My substrate shipment is delayed. It was supposed to be here Sunday…. :disappointed:

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Ahh mann… Do you have some grain going yet?

I messed up I think… in my opinion anyways… so I bought some premade sterile grain bags and Boomr bags, shipped and delivered quickly. THEN I got around to making some popcorn jars and preparing to inoculate… anyways… The boomr bags sat there in their boxes for 3… 4… weeks I forget… not ideal in my opinion…

My first of 3 bags have been just fine I think. Field capacity on spot and didn’t see anything alarming.:heavy_check_mark:
Excited for ya!


I got nothin’

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Get yourself a pressure cooker and some popcorn kernels hydrated up, jar em, PC, and inoculate!
Then we wait
Once you get yourself a nice well established jar of mycelium the options are endless. Hopefully you get your delivery soon too!


Flush/soak experiment:

Soaked the tub for 8 hours following the first flush and harvested on 3 shrooms for the second flush before the cake dried out again.

Soaked the tub for 24 hours following the second flush and harvested on 4 shrooms for the 3rd flush before the cake dried out again.

Soaked the tub for 48 hours this time to hydrate it really good for a (hopefully) larger flush. It will be my last try before I put my jars to bulk and colonization.

The cake and the water was full of yellow micellum pee and it discolored the cake and the water. I just drained the cake and put it back in fruiting conditions. I think the yellow stuff is part of the micellum’s immune system. Whatever it is, there is a lot of it. It happened on the previous soaks too and it disappears after a day or so and then healthy micellum starts growing again.


That’s exactly what it is it’s the mycellium immune system. So the place I got my spores from sent me three free ones also because I didn’t get the first package I guess just showed up yesterday and the Lucy’s are already starting to colonize their popcorn a little.


Gotta love that. Which store was it?


Quality spores

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Alright so just took a quick peek into the monotub and the top of the cake is 80%colonized. Lots of long strands of rizomorphic growth all connecting each other. Tub has lots of condensation built up on the walls and lid of the tub. Temperature is 78 degrees fahrenheit
Sure seemed like it didn’t take long for the mycelium to take over the cake. I can only see the top as ive chosen to use a liner for this. Seems fast as only 1 day ago i would’ve said it’s 40%colonized.
How should I go about my next steps in the process?

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I run mine until they are 100% colonized and then some.

The condensation on lids and sides is normal and healthy. You want your cake to retain as much moisture as possible, though you don’t want standing water in the bottom of the bin.

Next steps would be to let it colonize fully and then put it in fruiting conditions (lid off or airflow otherwise enabled, humidity >85% or a misting a few times a day, and temps around the mid-70s.

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Definitely will remain patient with it.
Thoughts on my 1/2pint BRF cakes in the terrarium?
Slowly seeing the mycelium take over the outsides of the vermiculite where they had been rolled in it.
That container does not have nearly as much condensation buildup on the sides. I’ve been trying to mist them to maintain the condensation on the walls as with fanning 2 to 3 times a day.


This helps say that your spawn is healthy.

I have 6 jars in wait until my current cake is done fruiting. 2-3 of those jars were really 100% colonized a couple of weeks ago. It doesn’t hurt them to sit longer.

In tubs, I look for a diamond sheen (reflective of light) look on the surface before I fruit them.


Okay, I got this today, I squirt in the spores through the port? Then wait? That’s it? Or am I missing something???
@MidwestGuy @KikiGee or @anyonethatknows


That is pretty much the long and short of it. As aseptic as possible. There will be an injection port on the side of the bag. Sometimes you can miss them as they are a little button type raised area about size of quarter on the wide side.

Sorry for slow response. Been working on yard and garden nonstop. In a few hours my ass may show up knocking on the door. :rofl:

Edited: I guess I could just delete out the idiotic description of the port, of which you are well aware of. Maybe my brain will arrive sometime after my ass gets here. :laughing:


Yes. You won’t need the whole syringe for a 3 lb bag. You can do 2 bags with 1 syringe. The syringes can be stored in the fridge.