Pro co2 bucket?

Yes, it is hanging inside the tent, with the fan sitting on top the tent blowing air outward into the room. Is it safe to assume then, that there would be zero smell?

That string of lights above the tent has different color settings, been keeping it set to Green at night with the vent open.

Hi I am new to this forum.

So I have personally considered co2 enrichment in the past with a ventilated tent but I do believe you are correct which is why I have never bothered with it. However I do have a few reasons why it may be useful but I have never bothered to test this myself. My reasons are:

1- co2 is heavier than oxygen therefore it may be utilized by the plants before it is ventilated out (how fast do these plants respirate?)
2: your ventilation is ideally replacing all the air in the grow room or tent every minute so that may be enough time for the co2 to be utilized if not you may be able to adjust fans and passive intakes
3: if your co2 can be vented into your passive intake that may be useful because youll be giving a constant flow of co2

As for not enough light what do you mean? I can bring my light pretty close to the plant. How many watts should a 5x5 be running with and without co2? I currently have 725 and adding an additional one for my next run to get more squared footage

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I use Co2 in my closet but it is a sealed grow, I don’t ventilate. as I understand it is futile to use if you are ventilating. If you are bringing in fresh air u are also letting 400 ppm of co2 in. If you vent u should be fine.

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passive intake! That’s how Ido it

My AC is outside tent blowing Upward into top intake hole… passively… That air cascades down on its own… Right to the inner floor… I blast with LEDs and hit 84 at Peak dli… 77-79 when backed off