Plants dying & woodey stems

Howdy Folks, I have a friend who has several plants that are starting to die off in a big way, these are outside and this is in the southern hemisphere so are starting to go to head at this time of year. he is very careful with his soil preparation and has been doing this for many years in the same area.
The issue is that the plants which are around 5 foot tall at the moment are starting to die off, the stalks are going very woody at the bottom and it is heading up the main stem, as it goes up the stalk the leaves are going yellow and dying. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what it could be, he has used the same area for many years and never had this problem, over the winter he puts a lot of effort into prepping the soil he digs lime into it and digs a lot of mulch into it but this is the first year he has had this problem.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.


Pics plz would help diagnose problems

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sounds like the roots ran into the lime

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Thank you for your replies folks, i will pass this info on. i am unable at this stage to get any pics as the guy that has this issue is living way out in the bush and has no internet access but i will try and find out a bit more about these problems he is having.
Much appreciated.

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Keep us informed we r always willing to help here.

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