NJ Outdoor 2021 - Gold Leaf/Blue Dream

Yeah its still got some time for the buds to build, gonna pump it full of cha ching and cross my fingers that the weather doesn’t totally suck!

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Yesterday was a mad rush to harvest my 8 remaining plants before evening rains hit NorCal.
Got it done just in time with some wild winds and my shed and garage are now full.

If we only had smellovision!


Congrats those look outrageous!!

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Congratulations on the harvest


Thanks @SilvaBack203 and @Lacewing, this was the most plants I’ve gown. Medical allows 12 THC plants in Cali and I did 4 more CBD only. I see a long trimming season ahead, just to debunk (remove buds from stems). Not for sale so too much to manicure to perfection. Only two were clones from dispensary and they were smaller without the seed taproots. 9 of the THC were ILGM seeds in 5 strains. Seeds were started indoors in Feb and moved outdoors that took a total of 9 months. Many thanks to Robert and ILGM as well as this community for expertise in dealing with growing challenges!


Got love this community 4 sure. Trim jail gonna suck 4 real that’s alot of bud…

Happy growing


Sorry for ghosting everyone! Trim jail + new job (got my old job with my old union back) + fall sports = had to give something up!

Wow do I have a lot of catch up to do! :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


You and your damn excuses !! Lol .
Glad your doin alright!!

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The struggle is real! Good thing I just re upped on plenty of medicine :innocent:


Can you tell me a little more about the washing procedure? And why do you do this?


@Survivour561 , washing is done to remove gross stuff from the plants that accumulated on them theuout the growing season outdoors. Bugs, bug poop, dandelion seeds, and whatever else you can think of…

When I wash I use 2 plastic totes, 1 with a mixture of h2o2 and distilled water, the 2nd with just distilled water. I do a basic wet trim, removing most of the larger fan leaves that have little to no sugar on them, then submerge large branches in the first tote. Let it sit for a min underwater then stir the water around with the branch…makes lots of bubbles…then back underwater for a min then more swishing and stirring. After that the branch(s) go into the 2nd tote for avout half the time, but the same procedure. After that I swing them in my arms like im doing the windmill to knock excess water off, hang them to dry in from of a fan for avout 12 hours, then into the drying tent!


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Thank you and wow! I never heard of this before.

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@Survivour561 you’re welcome! Glad to help! :blush:


my neighbor from down the street. be careful with the background in your picts. Plus i got a whif while i drove by. fellow grower. ( ps i sold you the blue lighter)

Sonoma brand smoke sometimes…

Word !!! Lol what up

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@Lacewing hey bud how goes it! I’m still around, just super busy. Haven’t had time to even finish some of my outdoor trim lol!

Im working adding some forced air lines to my tents from my HVAC system in my house so ill be able to better control the temperature inside the tents. The house is normally at a comfortable 70-72, if I could have tents starting in that range I’d be a happy camper!

The work never ends! Stay medicated friends!


Haven’t smoked cigarettes in over 10 years, and I never buy blue lighters… :man_shrugging:


my bad. hmmmmm slow coffe guy with the full beard ? (u and pop in law?) its odd but i can almost sence it… not trying to out you or nothing. sunoco? im the blonde guy (not Mike)

The sunoco I go to has no blonde dudes working there… :grimacing:

No full beard, and I generally don’t associate with my FiL unless I ABSOLUTELY have to :innocent: