Male flowers on female

My female LSD is getting male flowers on it

Sounds like you got a hermie

Yep any suggestions

If you’re determined to see it through, you can try to pick off all the male flowers. But you’ll have to figure out if it was genetic or environmental. If it’s genetic, it will keep happening. If it’s environmental (timer malfunction or light leak can cause it), you need to find the cause of stress and eliminate it, or you’ll keep getting male flowers.

Do you just have the one plant?


@Mort1 I found this article on sexing a long time ago and imo it’s the best one out there

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Need follow up this topic…hello excuse me

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Sorry for the late reply was having trouble logging into forum ok now :crossed_fingers:I think it’s a light leak. I had a screened window open in my tent and even through the room my tent is in is dark light was coming in through air in ducting

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Thank for your help i think its a light leak which I have fixed now and :crossed_fingers:will be ok

Thanks for your help i think its a light leak which I have fixed now and :crossed_fingers:should be ok

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at least there healthy

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