Honest opinions/advice!

What’s up everybody, I just thought I’d check in and post some pictures of my white widow auto at 7wks old (3 wks in flower). I’m seeing very good growth the past few days but what do y’all think ? Is she on track in growth wise ?? Do y’all see something I don’t ?? Let me know, thanks!


I have never grown an auto. So I’m not sure on size but it looks healthy and flowering :blush::v:Someone with more experience will be along soon.


I’ve never done autos either, but from the looks of the pics, only 7 weeks, I’d say she’s gonna be a star.


HI I’m growing my first auto G S cookies. Looks good to me, I notice your leaves have small brown tips. My plant also has that and I thought something was wrong but I see a lot of pics with that.

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She is looking good.


Yes, those are called (painted nails) which means you have pushed your plant to the limits with nutrients which is good as long as it doesn’t travel up the leafs. :+1:t2:


Looks healthy… and right on track!

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Lil short but thats not uncommon with autos.

Got 4 lil shorties in my tent now. Just started week 8.


Nice plant!! Btw I have given no bloom nutrients at all. They come next week so I’ll be starting them a bit late.

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In the interim if, you can, feed her some unsulphered molasses. 1-2 TBLSP in a gallon if water. It has phos an potassium (p&k) as well as a bunch of other minerals and sugars good for flowering plants. Its about 5 bucks at wallmart. The sugars will help fuel trichome production.