Help with judging ready for harvest

Hello fellow growers, reaching the end of a run here…Have to chop very quickly as im having electrical service upgraded to home…
My question is, are these close to being ready for harvest or am about to have to say goodbye to these being of any use…


I still see lots of white hairs…those need to turn rusty…then it is about looking closely at the Trichomes. The more red the more couch lock type buzz you will get.


It’s difficult to see you’re trying comes from the images that you attached. I agree with this guy :point_up: you’ve got more ripening to do. The white pistols tell the story.


Just a ballpark since I cannot determine where the buds are in the pics above, I would say about 3 weeks. Those 2 bottom bud pics have as many white pistils as reddish brown. Means she is still getting her weight up.


a pocket microscope is worth its weight in gold for a grower. I got mine for $20 on amazon and they take pictures to share on the forum. If you have a little extra money the bluetooth ones are easier to use. from the looks of it you still have a little time.


No problem…can you send me a link…

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Hopefully that link works. Some people also recommend a microphone stand to hold it stable. I don’t have one yet, but it isn’t easy to hold the thing still enough to focus.


Got it coming from Amazon tomorrow…thanks for your advise


She’s a beauty in the making. I’d hide her in the closet or outside somewhere if possible if push comes to shove. Good luck hope you can let her finish

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Definitely harvestable. Would I say wait if you could? Absolutely. I harvested a whole plant at the beginning of week 6. (Not enough light for all 3) did it smoke? Yes. Was it potent? Not too bad. I got stoned. Could it have been better if I had waited? Sure. Truthfully, you’ll lose some yeild/potency if you cut them now. Id say grow them until the day you have to do whatever with your electric and then just begin the drying prosses by pot drying the day you need to.

The earlier the harvest - the more sativa like effects
The later - more indica couch locky effects.
(So ive been told)

Like someone else said, throw em in a closet.


You want nearly all those white hairs to turn brown and recede back into the calyx’s then start checking trichomes for cloudy to amber depending on preference. Weed harvested too early can cause anxiety and paranoia.


If your just doing a service upgrade you may be better off just letting them sit in the dark for a few hours while the sparky gets you reconnected. I can usually do one with a helper in 3 or 4 hours.Ive seen a lot of testimonials from guys that lost power for days during flower and their plants usually snap back as soon as power comes back. I haven’t personally had that problem but it may be worth considering.

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(AI did the swap to me yesterday)
Microphone before Microscope, googles