First timer running into issues mid flower

I’m using Natures Living Soil as well. Exact same problems. Once I finish this cycle I’m giving up on it.

Puts you 6 weeks behind on feeding? Not sure what that additive will do.

Ok I ordered a few recommendations we’ll see how it goes here’s the tops of the plants to give a better overall prospective.


Oh yeah they can be saved just don’t over water right now… not saying to let them dry out by no means but the over watering at this point and time would not be good for them… just a word of advice is all… you feel free to visit my journal anytime you want… there’s so much to learn and with such great people I’ve gotten acquainted with you will be rollin inda smoke good smoke healthy plants… they grow in all different methods and styles so hopefully you pick up on something you like… thx

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They’re doing great. Good spotting the lower leaf issues - it does look partly like phenotype expression, but also partly some issues. @Storm is good people and will steer you the right way. @anon1893985 is too just newer at it :wink:

PS I’m team KingBrite 100% - so glad to see that in your grow arsenal. I think they’re under appreciated lights around here. :v:


Synthetic and lazy - that’s me. :rofl:

Hydroponics, coco coir. I don’t play with dirt anymore, too many headaches involved. I have experience with most things, and all mediums, but nothin’ about organics. I’ll always pass those off to MeEasy or Storm before I say something stupid :sweat_smile::v::100:


Haha I’m following in Easy’s footsteps for sure … I’m doin the organic method right now because I’m so screwed up in my back… just can’t move around much


Love my kingbrite. I have a 150w that will flat grow a single all by its lonesome.

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Are they better than hlg

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Better in what context?

Pros - They offer all light spectrums in one fixture, including UV and IR. They’re just downright cheaper. You can customize the white light spectrum.

Cons - gotta buy them off Alibaba (feels sketch), the least expensive models use inferior diodes for the deep reds (Epistar instead of Osram), and the layout of most of the lights is more like the “old” HLG QB 288s, versus like the HLG Diablo boards (600-something)

I have 2 KingBrite 240 watt fixtures. And 3 HLGs, a 200w, 300ish watt, and the Rspec 650. I don’t have a truly fair comparison- ie no 240 to match up against a 240. HLG is king for cutting edge. Higher on price by a notable amount.

Ill take heat from the die hards but I say as good. They run lower voltage…at least my model …but just great lights. Solid builds…lower cost. HLG is hard to match on customer service though. I have grown some solid plants with mine. I am back into my all over the place no plan by the seat of my pants perpetual. It comes in super handy to isolate a girl.

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Thanks for the info I’m trying to get a 150w-200w for my 2×2 was thinking hlg 150 patriot for $179 i was really trying to get a good deal on one or something similar

You can make a tea with bananas and molasses and fish shit that will give ur plants the pk plus they will get magnesium iron and calcium from the molasses if u have seaweed liquid u can mix five mls of that with it

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You know what I’m gonna say. :joy:

Green Beams, baby.

Thats 1 of the reasons I love you @Graysin . We are both lazy ol growers.


Well I can’t say what I want to say.

Nice light

LOL…c’mon @Graysin , you know us waterheads put in the work to. But we do get quick readings and fixes if we need them. But, it still dont change the fact i might be a bit lazy…lol :rofl: :sunglasses: :peace_symbol: :heart:


My brother Nug :muscle::100:

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:rofl::joy: that’s why we go hydro and never look back, brother. :v: