First time grow need harvest time help

This is one white widow plant grown horizontally. As you can see it’s huge with lots of great colas. I’m not looking for couch lock so do these appear about ready. I already harvested one white widow and got eleven quart jars stuffed with buds.


Ways off yet brother many white pistils

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There is a lot of white pistils still. I’d say you have another 3-4 weeks to go.

Wait for most of the pistils to turn brown/red and recede back into the bud.

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Thanks for your help…so if they’re a couple weeks away can I still feed them?

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Yes feed for two weeks then once most pistils are brown and receded you then monitor trichomes I personally with hold nutes 14 days before harvest and give them just PhD water


Thanks so much… going to feed them today.

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Keep us updated my friend