First Time Auto

Anytime Grow Bro! You’re in a great place with this community of cultivators. I haven’t ran across 1 :poop:, everyone helps each other here and only want to see you succeed :love_you_gesture:

Thats some beautiful color and bud great job

Thank you very much. Im a newbie so that’s why so many questions.

Its alright and you in the right place. Every one here love sharing knowledge and guiding u 2 the right way

Ok @Fiz and @dbrn32 and everybody else that’s been able to help me out…I have two more girls going. I think I’m at about 10 weeks in with what I thought were two lsd autos. I thought I get a couple of those in before growing the bb photos this spring. But lo and behold, I have no idea what’s going on. I, once again, soaked two LSD auto beans, they were a little slow to pop, but finally did and I put them in their jiffy type pods. One came up later than the other and then when it did, the shell wouldn’t come off and it ended up breaking off and was a dud. So I stuck another bean straight in to the jiffy pod and it immediately popped up so it ended up only 4 days behind the first one.
So for several weeks, they only looked like one was a little ahead of the other… However now, they look like totally different plants, again. And just to make sure, I went to check the seed packets and I did not get in to the bb photo packet, only the LSD. Wt actual f?!
I don’t know how many pics I can put in this message but if I can’t add enough on here I’ll add more in the comments… One looks close to harvest and the other isn’t far behind… Which confused me more bc if it’s a photo, it shouldn’t be. Geez

@dbrn32 @Fiz One is def the LSD auto on the left, it’s got the purple buds with green leaves.
The one on the right, I’m not sure what it is but it has purple leaves and green buds.

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First, yeah, the smaller one looks like my Claudette and Lucy. The other one well, doesn’t!

But when I was growing Lucy I was looking around at other LSD plants. Apparently the short with purple flowers is one of the very common phenotypes, but there is a tall, non purple pheno also.

Looks as if you got one of both. Think of the movie “Twins” with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. They are both LSDs though.

Looking good over there!


Not sure about the terminology used here, but I wouldn’t typically call something a “dud” unless it failed to germinate. It sounds like the seed geminated if it came up with shell still attached. This usually happens from not being placed in media properly.

Sounds like you have two different phenotypes? This is pretty common.


So as long as it’s an auto I’m good then. I just was scared it was somehow another Bruce Banner photo.

And yes my terminology skills are definitely lacking. I am still very new to all of this. Plus I’m old lol.

@Fiz and I have been growing thru a lot of problems with the LSD autos… Maybe not problems…challenges maybe?


Thanks chic! These lsd’s girl!!! Wth?! Never a dull grow lol. I thought I’d throw two auto beans down before springtime… Just to practice on… Looked fine for a while then they started looking a little different… Then tell different then totally different LMAO.

As a matter of fact… They are total opposites now…I just want one normal grow… Just one… Normal…grow


But this is normal for the strain. I’ve seen more than one picture with a shorty and a tall one - LSD grows can be weird. The little one is adorable and the colors! But the big one obviously will yield more than the little one. Both of my LSD that produced were around 2 oz, not a huge amount but very good smoke.


I have yet to measure how much I’ve gotten from any of mine lol. I just grew these because I didn’t want to waste the beans I still had and I had the time. As soon as these two are done, I’ll try a couple more BB’s. And I have a friend who isn’t able to use his set up for a while so I’m going to at least use his lighting and some other equipment he has for that grow. See if that helps me get a better more productive grow with the extra lighting.
I am hoping to also start experimenting with making edibles, preferably gummies. Really not positive on how or where to start but I have been reading up and I believe I might need to invest in a good infuser, possibly a Levo? I don’t know if you are familiar with making edibles or anything about them. I’m trying to find out how much actual cannabis I would need, do I use bud or shake, how much of it, and how much of the above makes how much of the edibles, etc. I’ve just noticed that I’m coughing a lot lately and I guess the edibles would probably be the smartest way for me to ingest. But there’s yet another long list of things I need to learn lol
I had found a pipe of sorts at one time that only heats the flower. It only heats it to certain temperature to get a certain benefit from the cannabis … But lo and behold…I can’t remember what it was and I can’t find it anymore… Imagine that lol
So I guess I’ve got a lot of research to do to try to figure this stuff out… I’m gonna need all you geniuses on here who actually still have some sense to help me out again
I’m down to two good brain cells… And they’re fighting!

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Couple of things here - I made gummies and they were kinda yukko. Now I decarb and make capsules.

When I decided to start with edibles, I looked at the Levo but it was $$$ and only did a quarter ounce at a time. I ended up buying an Ecru decarb, it will do two ounces at a time though I usually do one which makes me roughly 100 capsules. I bought an electric grinder and grind the weed to dust, literally. It was sold as a “herb grinder” but it looks exactly like the type of coffee grinder I used to have.

The Ecru was $100 when I bought it a year or so ago, today it’s $90. It’s been updated a bit it looks to me.

This was one of the best pieces of equipment I bought. You can both decarb in it, and infuse oil which you need to make gummies.

Ok, that sounds like a really good plan. I have some gummies a friend make that are supposedly “perfected”. But they still taste like crap to me too. They work well, yes, but it’s hard to get down and, I have a very slow metabolism so they take forever to work.

I really like the idea of the capsules. Not that they will work any faster but I really don’t like the gummies and I hate the brownies! :face_vomiting:

I’ll try to do more research on them but do you feel like this procedure uses more or less of your product to achieve the same high or about the same? Since I’m still only managing to grow these tiny dancers so far lol.

I’m on the high times website at the moment checking in to their procedures. But I’ll check out some other sites too. Remember, my mind doesn’t work the way it used to do I’m trying to keep things as simple as possible lol.

So, as always, I really appreciate all the help!

If you know of anyone else here that works with the capsules, please feel free to tag them in. I’m open for all the advice I can get!

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I can’t remember who got me onto making capsules, but I was glad because it was much easier than making gummies. If I figure it out I’ll tag them.

How many capsules a given amount of weed with make depends on a bunch of things. First time I made them, one ounce made around 120 size 0 capsule, which is the next to the largest size. I had not ground the weed to powder, so the capsules weren’t packed as tightly. Then I got my electric grinder, ground the herb to a powder, and get around 90 capsules/oz. I mainly make them for my husband’s insomnia, so he takes one a day.

In order for them to take effect you do need to have a bit of fat along with your capsule, so I usually give him a piece of cheese or something.

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So I want to use them for my fibro and RA, but I also like it recreationally. Can taking the capsules be used to “enjoy” as well? Like I said, I have a slow metabolism. It takes a good couple of hours or more after eating a gummy to feel it.
I’m really liking the idea though. And I’m hoping it will be exactly what I need.

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So my question is when do i heavy defoliate yours look absolutely beautiful this is my first grow

Wrong post lol my bad

First, happy birthday! Second, it takes me quite a while to feel them also. Same as with gummies. What I usually do if I’m using capsules “for fun” (not sleep/pain relief) I wait minimum of an hour, then I do one small bong hit. That kicks everything off.

I have no idea why it works that way for me, and your mileage may vary.