First grow how am I doing

Dude… im semi sure i havent seen a foot of snow fall in my life… ok maybe exaggerating but just in my city? We’ve probably had 3 feet of snow all together since 89… :joy: never in my life have i seen snow in May… let alone June. Its usually 100 and 80+ humidity here. Think the coldest i can remember was around 10… and i REFUSED to exit the door. Think i took off that whole week :rofl:

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Oh yeah man and see that’s just crazy to me haha I couldn’t imagine that lol yeah I’ve woke up to the door to my house completely snowed in haha and in the last 5 years the coldest we’ve had was about -37 below 0 haha and I still got up and went to work :joy: but I was born and raised in it haha

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I’ve got 2 of my small photo plants down and drying one harvested a little early but still some pretty good stuff for what these ladies were. One plant some pretty nice bud structure I think for my first for and pretty dense as well the other not so much some tall solo fox tails was a cool experience

These are how my autos are doing some leaves pretty ugly but they are pulling through from my mishaps pretty good!

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:poop: happens. Congrats on the chop! Success has never smelled so funkily sweet!

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