Dankloud's Cannabonsai & Herb Garden!

Dank, yer a good person glad you came back wasn’t the same without ya!


Here is a nice shot of the Blueberry. Smells amazing and sugar leaves already getting frosty!

No matter what I do these things turn yellow… IDK what I’m doing wrong still


I feel like a dunce. I have been mixing Recharge with my feed to get it done faster… I have been adjusting pH AFTER Recharge… I should be doing it BEFORE Recharge… Going to go back to the nonlazy / proper way of doing it, feed, then give Recharge separately… Idiot. :man_facepalming: Probably causing a constant nutrient lockout… I think ibwill need to feed tonight, and I will document literally every step I am taking and will report it to you guys to see if I’m slipping up somewhere.

On my next grow instead of doing 3 plants, I’m just going to do 1 and have it span the area that the 3 were taking up. This will let me give attention to that one plant and make adjustments to feeding easier. Not to mention maximizing yields…

In other news, my basil keeps turning black :man_shrugging:


But if it’s nutrient lockout, then why are the other plants so much darker (excess nitrogen)… I guess the Blueberry maybe really does want a lot more nitrigen and the others want less.

@Hellraiser do you have any ideas as to what I’m doing wrong? I was thinking either 1) I’m not watering often enough, because I’m still scared of overwatering, or 2) pHing after adding Recharge.

Are you mixing nutes for all of them at the same time? Or have you started feeding different ratios?

That’s gotta be frustrating. I like the idea of a single plant grow and was toying with that myself. I just give it so hard to drop several seeds and pick 1 to survive. I love and want them all :joy:


Each component is mixed in the solution separately. The only difference was changing from Jack’s veg/flower formula, to their transition formula, then back to the veg/flower formula.

I know every plant is different, but I am growing 3 different strains that seem to need completely different treatment, which is why I’m hoping if I go with 1 strain at least it will be easier lol. So might just do 1 plant and grow it out horizontally, or might still do 3, but just all the same strain. Not sure yet.

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I get how it’s mixed, I use Jack’s too. I was wondering if you mix feed for each plant separately…

I had to do this with mine. I can’t just mix enough to feed my tent… blueberry is happy when white widow is pissed. If I make Widow happy it switches. So I mix each their own. Which is funny… because I refuse to do that for my kids haha


Got ya I just misunderstood the question. Yeah I throw 1.5L in the container I have, then mix everything in that. Then I dispense the water into a 500ml lab wash container.


Are you using Recharge and Fish Sh!t at the same time? Maybe alternate them? That’s basically what I was doing. And pH before added the Sh!t.

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Hmm. I had been using both and pH after.

I plan on not using either Recharge or FishSh!t for a while and see what happens maybe.

Yeah I’ve been using measuring spoons instead of exact weight. One plant gets a pinch more of done things than others. I know it’s not as science, but I’m the type that’ll go crazy chasing dead perfect numbers. So I need to let it be a little more feel. And my girls don’t seem to mind. It would be hard for me to have 8 plants unless they all got along really well

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Lol, that would be the definition of a nightmare. It is probably my least favorite thing… Dang nutrients…

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I use a scale that measure to the hundredth so yeah…I’m a little “crazy” trying to get it close.

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Me too. I just gotta know lol. One single grain of Epsom is all it takes to be way too high or way too low lol

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I hate it much less using the spoons. I used my scale to see what each spoon gets me so I could still stay super close to proper measurements. But I see a little lightning… I add a pinch extra N. I kept that up a little too long it was helping me growth when I didn’t want it, so I pinched it back


Seems like it. yeah I ph before adding fishshit or recharge and I really don’t use recharge very often, maybe once a week if I remember.


But if it were a nutrient lockout, then why do the other 2 seem like they have too much nitrogen? It’s so confusing… Not saying your wrong, just thinking out loud. @Hellraiser

Yeah that’s why I grow 1 strain at the time as different strains can have different nutrient needs and tolerances, sometimes you get lucky and they are all fine with the same feed and sometimes you don’t and have to treat each one individually based on what you see happening with the plants.

To see what is up with the problem plant, get runoff ph and EC (or ppm) and let’s see what the numbers are saying.


Will be feeding the girls soon and will report back with results.

I am currently harvesting and dumping my other plants as they all seem to be developing/have root rot. I just harvested the oregano and the roots were BLACK. Harvesting what I can, then starting over. I was worried about these pots and seems I was right. Time to look for a new 6 inch pot for my needs…

On the bright side, here is the drying contraption I made. Just a cardboard box with some holes in the top, with a string to hold leaves/bud. Catnip is hanging, oregano on the bottom.