Brian's Utopia 💚

Just my opinion, but I think this world needs it’s own Brians Utopia! Humanity seems to have lost it’s “human” side! :+1:to @Enlightened420! Just another reason I love this place! :grin: :sunglasses:


And I love you my friends,
Each and every single Gromie :green_heart:


I agree. I believe our technology has surpassed our humanity. People are always in a hurry and angry about something. I find a simple smile helps relieve that tension some. It would help if I had more teeth though. My teeth are on the endangered species list! lol


I humbly request we help our friend and brother Shindig and his family, their beautiful daughter is due for an operation on Thursday,
I ask that we show them some love and support :green_heart:

We thank you for your precious gift, Miley and humbly ask that you watch over her, protecting her with your healing love during her impending operation and may the rest of her days be filled with happiness, love and a joyful, abundant life. I would also ask that you protect and watch over Shindig, his wife and their 2 suns, during their times of distress and need. Grant them joyful, prosperous and abundant lives.
We thank you for the blessing of family and friends.

:pray: Brahmen.


My thoughts and good vibes are with you and yours @shindig153 .
Plenty of healthy vibes sent your way.


Brahman wow thats as conscious as it gets really.
Great thoughts and well wishes you have put out there for them.
That’s awesome.
Like to think someone would do that for me some day if I was in need.
I wish you well @shindig and extended family at this time that @Enlightened420 shares here.
May it all go well and smoothly and soon on the road to full recovery
Om shanti


@shindig153, brother just want you know we are all thinking of you and yours and hope the very best for your daughter in her battles! Anytime you need to let go man or just need an ear, somebody will be here! Again wishing you and yours a long, healthy and happy life!


Of course we will my friend @Blackmoon :v:


Wishing you guys the very best @shindig153 ! :green_heart:


As stated above @shindig153
Good vibes and prayers being sent your way…


Thank you everyone for the well wishes and support. It is much appreciated.


i always have prayers for our young ones.


You and all of your family will continue to be in my prayers, as well as the hospital staff and doctors, nurses, and anyone else thats there to help your daughter. I hope everything goes well- peace…


Good vibes and positive energy coming your way…stay strong…:sunglasses::v:


Rant warning…

I was with a client just the other day, it had taken 2 months of grinding away at the defensive walls of 1 particular client. The individual was terrified of putting themselves out there, they had been ridiculed and tormented and bullied all through school, consequently a complex fear of ‘society’ was now firmly in place…
“Takes a deep breathe and counts to 10”…
Finally we had established a therapeutic relationship,
which had been built on trust and mutual respect, my friend had agreed to go outside and do some exercise.
A game of golf, what could be more relaxing?
I had just teed off, best drive in ages. My friend is about to hit…
Then we hear…
“OI OI, What do you think you’re doing, you can’t play here, we are in a damn tournament, you are holding us up, move out of the way!”
My friend instantly has an anxiety/panic attack and freezes except for a minute tremble in the muscles. Acting as quick as possible I reassure my friend that everything is OK, we can pick up our golf balls and go play somewhere else, it’s no problem, don’t worry about ‘those’ guys…
I won’t replay the whole scene,
you get the point…
For the love of everything GOOD in this world, please be considerate of other people, you don’t know their struggles or pain. You don’t know how hard it is to do things that most people would consider ‘easy’ or ‘normal’…
Months of constructive work, destroyed in seconds,
not to begin to mention the detrimental effects on my friends scarred emotional psyche.
It is taking every ounce of restraint within me, not to march into the a$$hole individuals place of work and publicly humiliate and ostracise him, as he did my friend.
But, my Brothers and Sisters,
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind…
I will spend the remainder of the week performing random acts of kindness, wherever I see the opportunity, spread love, not hatred my friends and be considerate of others…



that is heartbreaking! i understand


any word on @shindig153 child? i hope everything went well


@pptrsha1 and everyone else concerned about Mylie and Shindigs wellbeing


Outmotherfreakingstanding I’m glad that things went well and that she is on the mends :pray:t4: :+1:t4: :v:t4:


You must be in a related field of work as I was.I am glad you were there for your client. You did make a difference in his life. I would sincerely doubt that you lost all of your progress with him. The guy running the register at the golf course should not have even rang you up to play. Jerk. Please keep up the difficult work you do. You are making a difference E.
May you be at peace soon…