Big Bud from The Peak Dispensary Clone

My partner in MEDIJUANA: Grown Up Wellness, brought this to me. It had wilted and needed to be revived. I do not know how long it has been alive, but I was able to revive it. Now I wish to share it’s journey with you. I’ve never grown from a clone. Any help is appreciated.


Welcome and good luck.

Plant looks good. I see a few spots that might indicate a slight calcium/magnesium deficiency.Some CalMag might be in order. (Epsom salt is a great source of Magnesium. When I am in soil I use 1/4 tsp every watering normally). The brown on the leave tips might be from a slight nutrient burn, but nothing to worry about.

I am a fan of the fabric pots. They work great…

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What’s the one to the front of picture but back left of pots, looks like a very tall branch without leaves?

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It almost looks like bamboo.


Yeah… I’m pretty ashamed of those. They used to look so good. It pains me to think about them. But I’ll tell you anyways. If it weren’t for the cultivar, I would have certainly pulled them. They are Aboriginal landraces. Here’s what I did: I trimmed the lower branches as soon as there were seven tiers of leaves. I topped them at the same time. I sprayed neem under the leaves. It looked fine when I went to bed. However, I woke up only to find i like this! Too much at a time, I know. I immediately knew what it was that I had done. Too much at a time. I was eager and now my plants suffer. Cannabis, growing in particular, cannot be rushed. I lost sight of that. This condition you see in the picture resulted because I wanted to see too much too soon. So, there you have it. My twig of shame!


Well that looks like a flower on it so no more Neem oil.


The rain and wind last night caused me to bring my plants under the covered patio to escape the elements. The Big Bud clone I think looks pretty good. Some of the leaves have yellowing edges. I’m not too concerned about them though.

After soaking up sunshine for a few hot days here in Oklahoma,

so much new growth. I’m figuring out watering, and trying to figure out pH. I have all I need as far as: adjusting the balance as well as continuity of using the same water. I have not devoted enough time to it yet. There’s other things going on now, but that is for another time.

An explosion of leaves reveal so many spots waiting for flowers to bloom!

Aborigine Grow from Seed

Aborigine Grow from Seed
One lived. One died. I learned from my mistakes. The one that lived looks great, though.

When this clone came, it was puny and wilted. I trimmed and pruned and nurtured it until it reached this point.

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I brought my plants inside. The weather here in Broken Arrow, OK is warm during the daytime but during the nights the temperature sometimes reaches to 40’ F. Also included is another picture here of the entire family. From left to right: Big Bud, Unknown, Aboriginal landrace.

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I just moved. I thought it would affect the plants. but I don’t think it did.

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