Beginner Grow- falling in love

I was unhappy that some of the big branches were not getting the light they needed. I did not work with her while she was growing, so I took string and made little slings out of tape because I did not want the string digging into my girl. I wrapped the sling around a good spot on the branch, and then taped the string down to the edge of her bucket. Now light can pour into all of her. I hope this was not a bad idea…I have not read about people doing this, this late in the game.

In other news…Not a hurricane but we’re getting ready for rain here as well! :confused:


It looks like your girls will be well protected; nice job. They look great.


We had a bunch of rain and it won’t stop for a few days. Temps are at 56 F :confused:

I’m definitely moving indoor for my next grow!

Turns out I didn’t get fans set up fast enough and the standing air along with all that moisture and cold turned to powdery mildew. AND I have spider mites (though those should die with cold temp). All this just so happens to go down when all the spiders that have been living on the plants are gone due to cold weather and rain…So now I have to go into treatment mode before harvest. Any ideas
@anbodywhocares ???

wow, this sucks so bad. @bluntley420
If you do end up having a powdery mildew problem, one way to solve the problem is at home. One home remedy is 2 teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar mixed with one quart of water. Mist this mixture onto your plants to both kill the powdery mildew growth and prevent any more from cropping up.

It can also be used preventatively before any powdery mildew arises at all. Another option is to do the same thing with one-half teaspoon of baking soda mixed with a quart of water.

Ingredients to create your own Powdery Mildew spray
Ingredients to create your own Powdery Mildew spray
Other options for destroying or preventing the powdery mildew include oil sprays such as neem oil, sesame oil, or fish oil. These sprays can also work well for other fungal diseases. A final option at your disposal is a milk spray made from 40% milk and 60% water.

This works so well because the milk has protein in it which reacts to the sun and naturally forms an antiseptic. This antiseptic is what kills the mildew. You can use a milk spray preventatively by spraying it on your plants every ten days, but only when the sun (or artificial light) is shining brightly. This is a common method for all gardeners to use on their plants.There are a few alternative methods that you can use to heal your plants, including oil sprays such as cinnamon oil, garlic oil, coriander oil, clove oil, jojoba oil, or cottonseed oil sprays. A commercial product like Mold Control will always to the job. If you want to make sure to get rid of powdery mildew, buy something like Marijuana Mold Control.

mold control cannabis
Easiest way: use Mold control
There are also copper-based applications that you can purchase at any garden center. You can also try one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide mixed in with water, which destroys the fungus by oxidizing its cell walls. Yet another solution is one teaspoon of limonene that is combined with one quart of water, offering fungicidal properties without actually killing the fungus altogether.
Copied from ILGM stop powdery mildew page.

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Thanks for the info @Tr33!!

I actually read that earlier and have already applied the organic apple cider vinegar and water solution to the leaves. Hopefully, with the colder weather, the mildew and spider mites will disappear!

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Never knew will do

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@bluntley420, when the sun comes out, why don’t you do the milk treatment for good measure?


Yeah, good idea @Tr33. I just checked them after spraying them and I still see some so I will need to do multiple treatments.

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Well, I am pretty sure Potty Mouth is dead. I tried to transfer her into a different pot, and I felt a snap, like her root system detaching from the stem or something. She immediately began to shrink away and shows no sign of perking up…just the opposite. Maybe I should take her out and put her roots (or stem :no_mouth:) directly into some ph balanced water???
She has always seemed like such a fragile girl…thin stem, even though she had fan movement and close lights to strengthen it, and even her leaves seem gentle and soft. Greeny has had her troubles, but she has always been a strong girl. Potty mouth is a ww auto, but I wondered about her seed; it was a very small, white seed. Any thoughts on trying to stick her in water to see if she can pull through?

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Try it as you really have nothing to lose :grinning:

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It can’t hurt :seedling:


Potty Mouth has not shriveled up completely yet, so there is still hope for her. I have her living and drinking in a ph balanced cup of water.
I love seeing all of your close up pics of trichs/buds, so I found a magnification thing for 80cents at the thrift store, and took it apart. I fixed the lens onto a clothes pin thing, and clipped that onto my phone. It’s a rig job for sure, but I took a couple pics, and want to share them.

I’ll work more with it tomorrow and try and take a better pic. I’m just too tired to work with it right now.

I cannot believe how thirsty Greeny is! She has turned into a lush :grin:


I love your ingenuity :clap:t2:

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@SmoknGranny, You inspired my next plant’s pot. You mentioned in a post about trying to use the weed barrier cloth to make a pot. That stuck in my head. I bought a large sheet of it for 1$ and also bought a 1$ clothes basket from a dollar store. I cut the basket in two places, one across from the other, and tied it so it is cylindrical like a reg pot. Now all I did was cut a piece of the weed cloth and lined the basket, overlapping the top. I have a very cheap smart pot. The basket has a bottom that is slatted like the sides too, so the plant will breath and drain well.

That is where potty mouth was going to go. I hope she lives so she can enjoy the pot.


Awesome :+1: I’m looking forward to seeing pics with huge ladies :grinning: I’m still in debate over how big to make bags or just line laundry baskets or maybe do both :thinking:

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And I hope potty mouth gets to try it out :hugs:

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You could do either…I thought by lining the basket, it has more support. Even if I would have doubled the material, I don’t think it would have the strength I wanted . Let me know what you do. If Potty mouth fails, I have two other seeds I will start…but I am still hoping potty mouth gets to try the home that was intended for her.

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Yep :+1: that’s why I’m leaning towards the basket especially after seeing it used for growing vegetables.

I’m curious … what did you end up with as to dimensions? Depth, height, width?