Any Venus Flytrap enthusiasts?

Did you know those suckers only grow in a small area here in NC @Cap_Ron. I had no idea until I went on a nature walk down by the coast. They’re an intriguing plant for sure


I didn’t know until recently @OldSkunk. I had always assumed they were from South American or Australia or somewhere slightly more exotic than the Carolinas anyway, lol. But I’ve done a ton of reading up on them for the last few months and I’ve learned a lot. I can’t wait to see these ones grow up.


Another trivia fact, would not of guessed usa, tropical, south america would of been our guess.

Carolinas, who would of thunk that?


These remind me of the “old skool days” stuff…Remember Sea Monkeys. :rofl: I was pissed when I thought they were going to be these little swimming monkeys with crowns on them like the pictured ad…but they were only brine shrimp…
at least not as bad as the pet rocks…
This Venus and Pitcher plant look interesting though…I had a Venus plant as a kid but not since…I just may check these out…


Walmart had what looked like minature flytraps in bad shape, very dried out. Wasnt looking for them, they were next to garden check out. Was bummed.

The sign, Picture plants caught my eye, a few days ago, wouldnt have known that word.

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If you search Venus Flytrap care on YouTube you’ll find tons of videos explaining how to rescue Walmart/Home Depot/Lowes Venus Flytraps from those little death cubes they sell them in. It’s a shame how the big box stores treat them, they’re pretty much all doomed to either die in the stores or shortly after purchase by someone who doesn’t look into what their needs are!


They were in death cubes and very shriveled.


In my area we’re still several weeks away from when they show up in our stores, but I’m definitely planning on going and rescuing as many as I can afford to.

Dood. I got pissed too when i figured out they were brine shrimp and immediately dumped them in the aqaurium as a treat for the cichlids my parents had :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


You have the site name by chance

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@scotch2cubes, the site is flytrapstore dot com. Their seeds are great quality, and they also have dozens of varieties of Venus Flytraps and any supplies you might need to care for them.

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many thanks, going to get some of these babies.
cannabis had gotten my fun factor in growing all tuned up


Updates on yours?

@Mosca, overall everything is going great. I lost a few seedlings because I failed to rinse the carnivorous plant soil I bought online. It claimed to be free of nutrients, but it wasn’t.
They grow incredibly slowly, it’s painful when you’re used to pot plants, lol.
These are 46 days above ground, and I can barely see them with the naked eye, lol. But it’s awesome to zoom in on the pics and see that they actually have super tiny traps formed already! Almost as cute as a puppy or kitten :-).





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So as im sittin here hittin a dab and watching Ridiculousness on MTV, this video comes on and makes me think of you. This aint you is it?


Not me, I never stick fingers in the traps, lol.


That ain’t a finger man hahha



That show is still on? Lol


Lol, my eyesight is so shitty it looked like a finger. I should have gotten glasses about 15 years ago!