Another new member, new grower, and new to autoflowers!

I’m no expert and I have no experience with living soils and such other than Fox Farm Hapoy Frog, I did want to give ny 2 cents about Jacks 321 and Coco.

As far as Jack’s goes,
It has literally everything needed minus any beneficial microbes you may want to add (I use Real Growers Recharge and Fish Head Farms FishSh!t). Insanely cost effective too! 3.6 grams Jacks Part A, which is the primary special sauce of Jack’s and contains trace nutrients as well. 2.4 grams Jacks Part B (Calcium Nitrate), which is your main source of, you guessed it, Calcium and Nitrogen. 1.2 grams Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate), for your Magnesium and a bit of Sulfur.

Part A - 1000gram bag for $26.99 = roughly 277 gallons, $0.10 per gallon.
Part B - 1000gram bag for $23.99 = roughly 416 gallons, $0.06 per gallon.
Epsom Salt - Depends on brand. Bag I bought was 5lb (2267grams) for $13.99 = 1889 gallons, $0.0074 per gallon.

Then they have 25lb bags too! :rofl:

If you see a magnesium deficiency, just add more Magnesium Sulfate… Nitrogen deficiency? Just add more Calcium Nitrate.

Also, I like how Coco is a blank slate. You know exactly what is going into it. It also takes up less space when in dehydrated brick form which probably doesn’t mean anything to you, but it does in my situation.

Also some people bring up the argument of Coco being more sustainable than peat. I won’t sway you one way or another on it, but in general I like Coco more. It is more of a spongey substrate, so it has a lot of aeration, and doesn’t really hold on to moisture the same way something like peat does so overwatering is practicallya non issue. Couple that with something like a Rain Science Grow Bag and your roots will love it.


I edited the above post @InviGrows

yeah after it got suggested to me i did some googleling and ended up viewing “green genes” videos about it, and yeap decided im switching to that after this one :laughing: ill just use this soil and left over (like3cubic feet of supersoil mix) for outdoors haha. i liked the idea so much that i was going to try it with peat moss and perlite mix! but was told it would be too acidic, so might as well wait to get some coco.


its cool how it can be use for soil as well

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Yeah man, get Coco. Either do 100% Coco or with perlite.

I would recommend starting your seeds in a solo cup too. This will make it way easier to water at the start of the plants life. Especially since they can be a little delicate at that stage.

The only cannabis plant in that picture is the solo cup just fyi.FYI.

That’s with Botanicare Silica Blast, Jack’s Part A, Epsom Salt, Jack’s Part B, pHed to 5.8, FishSh!t added, pour into cup, add Recharge to solution in cup, pour into plants.

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autos too?

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I haven’t tried it with autos, but solo cups are cheap.

What you do is when you first prepare the cup, you cut 3 or 4 slots at the bottom for drainage. When you go to transplant, you can simply cut down the side of the solocup and peel it away without disturbing the root system at all.

The last time I did this, I saw visible growth on the plant the next day. :man_shrugging:

One of the other tips I can give is when you get to a point where you are watering every day, which you will have to do with Coco, to save time mixing you can use a 5 gallon bucket for instance, and make a large batch if nutrient solution that you can pour out of. Need to get a WaveMaker if you go that route. It just keeps the solution moving so it doesn’t precipitate out. Like $25 on Amazon. They are quiet too if that matters.


cool thanks, how long can the wave maker preserve the solution?

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I would toss on the 5th day depending on how it looks. The best thing to do is to try and get it to a point where you run out before it goes bad. Coco needs less water per application, but you will water often. So in the long run it isn’t too difficult to figure out. Even then, the worst thing is you wasted what? Less than $0.20 of nutrients? Nothing to cry over until you figure out your water usage.

Get one that looks like this:

1050 GPH Aquarium Circulation…

Not this:

KEDSUM 800GPH 3W Aquarium…

I had nothing but problems with that second type.

@Myfriendis410 Hey man, sorry to bother you, but I was wondering why my Anazon links don’t show up like they used to? Now it just shows a regular hyperlink?


Oh, and as far as which Coco to get, this one is highly recommended around the forum and is what I use.

CANNA Coco Brick 40l Expandable…


noice, added to shopping list


I found thrips

So after using pest soap, neem oil and a hotshot pest strip i still found a freaking thrip flying around my tent. I also used hotshot flying insect killer seems to work if they get soak with it but WTH?? I inspected my tent and saw several under pot pans, some looked like they were sleeping or idk but some were alive just crawling down there, i cleaned with clorox wipes and insect soap and a spray of flying insect killer, hopefully i get it under control before they go ballistic. Any advice out there?


I agree with pretty much everything else.
But my experience with them things is that they aren’t even very good about moisture levels :confused:
However, they are extremely useful to let you know where your light spread drops off by simply waving it under your light. The numbers are not accurate, but when the needle drops you know your at the end of light coverage :grin: .
But they are really not very useful :confused:


@InviGrows Fortunately for me my pest problems are usually rectified with yellow sticky traps and mosquito bits on top of soil.

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I order some of those too the other day but the order was just done processing and ill receive it like next thrusday x.x

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Yeah light and temp have been for what i mostly ended up using it for haha

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Oh nvm that just for the bits, captain jack, more neem and sticky traps arrive monday. (With jack321!)

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If you want to make it simple and easy but still have great results.
Just use foxfarm ocean forest soil with at least 30% extra perlite added, up to 50% if you want but 30% or so is prefect…
Start using general hydroponics maxi bloom nutrients at 1tps a gallon of water every 3rd watering after they been in the soil for 30 days. The ocean forest will carry them for the first month of their life just giving water.
Give cal-mag ph water twice then maxi bloom, and repeat…
That is what I done this grow and it has worked pretty good, this is my first auto grow also. I only grew photos before and not with this method…
I have gave recharge along the way as well, but the 1 part nutrient is pretty easy imo and worked surprisingly well…

Those are ILGM Girls scout cookie extreme, Gorilla Glue, and Bruce Banner autoflower genetics.


Oh wow thats a very cool set up you got there and beautiful plants!!

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