1st Grow! Hydro DWC. Poor newbie!

Hey all! So it’s been a while and I feel I should update on my grow! My girl is in flower (it’s been maybe a couple of weeks or so?) Everything has been going pretty well, no big issues at all which is good! I’m just watching her buds get bigger every day now! :relaxed:

I bought a microscope so that I can keep an eye on her trichomes which as of today all appear to be cloudy. I think I’m going to wait a bit longer until harvest, until around half of the trichomes are amber. I’ve researched and found that apparently if I want THC to be a bit lower / more of a mellow/couchlock effect that I should wait a bit longer. I’ve also read that in Hydro you just flush for a couple of days prior to harvest so I’ll wait for those trichomes to change first before doing that right at the end.

Can’t believe I’ve even managed to grow something at all! It’s been a rewarding process already and I’m not even at the stage of testing out my medicine yet! Any pain relief I may get from her will just be a huge bonus at this point, though I would be disappointed if I didn’t get any relief from it.