1st Ever Grow - Is it stunted?

This is irrelevant. Only count after it sprouts it only adds to confusion. Plant looks good but I would definitely hit it with more light and fully water the pot


Thanks for all the responses and support everyone! Feeling much better now. I’ll keep reading and post more progress.

@SheBud - thanks for sending that pic, now I better understand the difference lol. Regardless, sounds like a learning experience.

@Bluntsmoke - gotcha, I wasn’t sure how that clock started so thanks. And will do!

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Good news, I took everyone’s suggestions and gave her a ton of water yesterday afternoon and turned the light up a bit.

This morning, the results were crazy noticeable! The second I opened up the tent I could smell her, which hadn’t happened yet and the growth between yesterday and today seemed like a ton. Which I have to imagine is partly due to the watering.

Thanks everybody!