Rick Simpson Oil Anyone Make It?

Yes I sat in Oct 2021 made rso oil in our rice cooker. Best,baddest oil ever made. Here’s my question; We keep oil in fridge ,we don’t use it a lot don’t need to. Some I have tasted a sweeter taste aged now 3 months it still works well. we call it Now-N-Later. Kicks your butt "Now and you coast thru a few hours and then it hits again the “Later” Can oil mellow out less green taste.? @yoshi @Member420 @Flying-High @AngryPossum @Beardy1


I know what you mean by rso. I’ve called it that as well and had some correct me as I was told original rso used naptha or some other mineral spirit. I was told that what you’ve made and myself as well is called feco ( full extract cannibas oil) or if we do a quick wash of freezing ethanol poured over frozen decarbed weed this is referred to as qwet ( quick wash ethanol tincture, I use this for making carts) I keep both kinds stored in a dark cabinet instead of fridge and it doesn’t go bad. I don’t know if it mellows with age. I read that sunlight can get rid of the chlorophyll I’m not sure if it works. The quick wash is cleaner. So when I do a quick wash I then take the bud from the quick wash and rear it with the everclear and let it soak a few days to make the feco. This way I get both from same weed. And both seem to be really potent. I believe both are 750mg per gram. Sorry tobutin. Wanted to share what I learned


With the rice cooker with Everclear worked very well. So Feco it is called.


Yeah I also bought an digital alcohol distiller off Amazon so I can reclaim the everclear. It has saved me a ton of cash.https://www.amazon.com/Slsy-Distiller-Countertop-Distillers-Connection/dp/B083LRVWP9/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3E1G7SOPR9BTO&keywords=Alcohol+distiller&qid=1642905945&sprefix=alcohol+distiller%2Caps%2C368&sr=8-5
This also safer as not filling the house with explosive fumes

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I like the taste , let’s me know I’ll be okay in about 15-45 minutes , but I also had many hang-overs .


The taste has less bitter to it more sweeter ,but I like it

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The other day I had made some and was using a hot plate to boil off the last bit of alcohol and while I was stirring it with one of those little silicone baby spoons my daughter and son in law were hanging out and I shook off the spoon and asked her if she wanted to lick the spoon and she did I then asked him the same and of course he wanted a taste. 30 mins later she disappeared to the basement and he was curled up watching TV and neither wanted to interact with anybody. They later said that the high was so intense had ever been sooooo high.

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My daughter visited last fall.i gave her a drop of we call " Now & Later feco oil made in our rice cooker. She said Dad! I cant feel my body , my mind is gone! What did you do? Pain relief dear I said. No pain felt


:laughing: :rofl: :joy:
Something I’ve been wondering satire tends to be an up high while indica is opposite and weed harvested earlier seems to be a more high frequency buzz where later more amber trichromes is more couch lock. Is the feco affected by this or, are the cannabinoids responsible for these effects destroyed or altered by the decarb and extraction process

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I am glad your liver recovering @TMCannabis. Mine failed also and recovered. That being said MJ is medical for me. I use edibles. I started with rso. Learned to make it. Then i bought a levo2. Best purchase ever. I infuse honey/oils and anything that can be infused. Honey in coffee. Organic oils in baking/ cooking. High end olive and avacado oils for dressings. If you require an edible as i do the levo beats rso hands down. Just my opinion. It dries/decarbs/infuses. You will never look back.


We use our levo2 regularly. Sometimes as a decarb/infuse one stop shop. Mostly use it to infuse feco into all oil based or butter based product as the feco is easy to dose

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