New Grower, Needs Input, Advice, Help and Tips

Hey guys I am a first time grower and I am trying to do an all outdoor just water grow. Just want to get some input on my plants from someone who knows what they’re doing because I don’t really.
Here is a link to my plants so far. Please give me your insight on the plants I recorded this on 3.31.17 so that should give you a little more info. Any other info regarding the video just reply here. Thanks in advance to anyone helping, giving insight or tips I really appreciate it you and your time.

Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA

Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA: Random/ N/A

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco? Solo cup for now

System type? Soil and water

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir? N/a

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS: n/a

Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor 24/7

Light system, size? Sun 8+ hrs sunlight

Temps; Day, Night : 70-80, 50-60

Humidity; Day, Night: 20-30% ,45-55%

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size: no

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier: none

Co2; Yes, No: no

Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but short, to the point questions and facts will help us help you smile

just water…as in no nutrients?

what type soil, anything added?

a pH meter is recommended.

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That’s correct just water, no nutrients added.

Just regular potting/planter mix from a buddy’s topsoil company, nothing new added, not to sure what is in the mix, I’ll post pictures of the bag in a bit.

I’m sure I can get a read from our pools old PH reader, I’ll check and let you know.

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sounds good, whatever is in the soil for nutrients and pH balanced by a pro?

Hmm not to sure honestly for all I know the potting/planter mix is just called 50/50 mix and it could just be dirt at different grains that gets sifted. is the website they have for the company but I can’t seem to find additional info on the mix.

if it’s a buddies business, ask, get some information for your grow about ingredients and additives and pH and drainage, all important…or invest in a known soil?

does your buddy know what you will be growing? The soil photos don’t show any perlite used for drainage.

Will do next time I see him, what would be a good reputable soil to use otherwise.

He doesn’t know that I’m growing, we just had bags and bags of the soil/mix in our yard so I just planted the seeds after germinating them a few days.

Here’s the picture of the soil bag, nothing really informative about it though.

this is an excellent prepared soil mix, many growers have great success with it, some not needing any additional nutrients, some people adding nutrients during flowering…much of that depends on how often and how much extra water you water with and how long you grow the plant.

I will definitely look into it when I transplant them from Solo cup to pot. Do you think the plants would go into crazy shock transplanting soils? I’m definitely going to get some perlite as well.

If you wait till the plant has strong, healthy vegetative growth it should be able to go into it’s final soil…use something like this to help with transplant shock.


You tube mendo dope under the sun, these boys grow damn trees 7ft tall!!! From one. Seed . I shit you not, check them out. All yoh really need is trelaces some decent seeds and location

You want some rooting stuff, and next time germinate indoors, if i was to grow outside if personally grow them about a half foot indoors then chuck um outdoors

I agree with @kabongster, if they are healthy they will take the transplant just fine

@kabongster how long does it generally takes a plant to develop a strong root system?

Ten days-two weeks, maybe up to a week longer…depends on temps (mid 70’s), relative humidity (75%), using a seedling soil (no nutrients added), soil moisture, water pH, air circulation, lights…environment is everything.

that superthrive is some awesome stuff,use it as directed…!

I’m not sure they’re completely healthy I did post a video though showing them, not sure if they looked healthy or are lacking something.

I’m eventually going to plant them in the ground do you think that’ll shock them? Sorry if I’m asking a lot of questions just trying to make sure everything is good.

Will definitely look into it and use most likely if it’s recommended by everyone here lol
Sorry to everyone I would’ve answered yesterday but it didn’t let me cause it was my first day or something like that.

transplanting is a shock, why you should try to minimize it by making sure they are growing healthy, not sending them out into the world hungry or thirsty, by getting them used to the sun and wind gradually (hardening them off), trying not to damage the roots during the move…

ask lots of questions…but read, too, and do searches using the “magnifying glass” up top…your question might have been asked already and you won’t have to wait for a response :wink: