Yellow leaves white spots not fungi?

Heres the pictures guy’s. Need you again on these BD Autos. Outdoor. Yellow leaves. White spots, nkt fungus or mold , it wont wipe off i guess light burn?Was 100 degress every day with ghetto fan. Now have upgraded airfl0w with clip on and 3 fans . Stays 85°

humidity between 45 and 100 at night. Cant beat it , have to redo whole setup after harvest.


If you don’t spray them with anything then I would be willing to bet you’ve got bugs.

You may need to get a scope and look on the back side of the leaves for small bugs. Too small for the eye to see. :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


Looks to me like you may have spider mites.
Zoomed in on pic #3 and can see the webbing on the leaf fringe.
Capt jacks dead bug will take care of them and you can spray it up till just before harvest.
I’d suggest a bud wash at harvest too.
Good luck. :crossed_fingers:



I sprayed them with mighty mint peppermint spray a while back and saturated them now. Ive used a kelp and superthrive foiler spray for possible zinc mag defic. Idk.

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@Oldguy not my grow but curious if you can ss and circle the area you are talking about? I don’t have spider mites myself but I love learning and would like to see what you see! I also can’t see it myself as I’m noob :rofl:

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Looks like spider mite problems, I had this last week also. But wasn’t on this level and was only a few leaves. Get a magnifier or a loupe and check the leaves and the underside of the leaves for eggs

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Check the leaf fringes and you’ll see the webbing with a couple on it.
The tiny darker spots are their :poop:.



@Oldguy ok I see it a little better! Thank you sir :pray:

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