Winter Seed Deliveries

My order of 20 GG4 seeds was delivered yesterday but the mail delivery person left them on the front porch rather than in the mailbox where I had looked for them. I found them this morning in 15°F temperature.
Do you know if the seeds would be able to survive such a low temperature so so long?

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They should be just fine, if you have no opened them already, I would let them slowly warm up in the original packaging box and all. They warm up too fast they could get condensation on them.


Temp isn’t a problem. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Norway stores its seeds in sealed three-ply foil packages and then placed into plastic tote containers on metal shelving racks.[51] The storage rooms are kept at −18 °C (−0.4 °F).


If you’ve seen this then have a laugh with me


Nature designed most plant seeds to be eaten and passed through an animals digestive system before it ever gets a chance to sprout.
Considering the natural cycle of cannabis plants I’d say they’ll be fine. They dump their seeds at the end of the life cycle, so they go through the winter on the ground before the nice weather comes back and gives them a chance at life!


Thank You for the peace of mind. I had no idea that annual plant seeds can take the extreme cold.

In nature, many plants including cannabis, go through a process called vernalization. The seed falls on the ground and is possibly buried by leaves etc. Winter comes and snow falls on the leaves and the ground freezes… so does the seed. Some seeds require vernalization to assist germination, such as garlic. We plant in the late fall and the garlic stores in the ground under the snow, in the spring its one of the first plants to break ground with glacier lillies.


@Covertgrower did something cool (sic): ran some seeded flower through a closed-loop BHO extraction then germinated the seeds. They all sprouted. So you are just fine.


@Cannabian @Myfriendis410 im outta likes but thats really cool!


Agree with ALL :arrow_up: that lol!! They’re ready for Spring now!! :smile:


They can for sure. As @Myfriendis410 pointed out, they were pretty cold from the dry ice and still sprouted. It was worth the effort to find out.


40 years ago we used to freeze bag seeds for a few days before germination, just to simulate winter (altho did it freeze in Columbia or Mexico?). Anyways, those that sprouted were always strong.


Thank You

@Cannabian ask me how I know this to be true :sunglasses:?


Yep! Proof right there. Perhaps you can answer a question for me? How do you plant bulbils? I want to restart my hardneck garlic because its loosing vigour. Do you plant them with the adult cloves? Do you have a separate bed for them? Do you plant them in the spring or the fall?

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@Cannabian .about bulbils,you can plant them but it will take several seasons of planting, replanting to get any size.
We have grown the same variety of hardneck garlic since my father immigrated here from Sicily in 1936.
The best method we have used for monster garlic was to get the oldest manure we could find spread it on our fields till it in then in the spring we would plant buckwheat .then till in the buckwheat as soon as we would see a flower on it.this would take place about a month before it was time to plant our garlic in the fall.the buckwheat was used as a green manure.using this method we would regularly get bulbs 4-5 to a pound.people think bigger is better with garlic.granted it’s easier to use.But knowing what I do about garlic I would buy smaller bulbs.they still deliver and keep much longer
Our variety of hardneck ,g$5!&@0’s Italian purple skin.A little google search and you can figure out the full name of our garlic.
Eat stink be proud,garlic n ganga it’s all we do.:sunglasses:


@Cannabian ,upon further thought.Are you picking your scapes?

Sorry friend, you are asking the wrong person. I have never cloned anything.

Sorry friend,but I think you have me confused with someone else.

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Yep I pick the scapes once they get a full curl! I think we are growing Russian red garlic.

I set aside enough bulbs to plant 120 or so, seems to be what we need to make it to the next season. Ive just noticed the bulbs have been getting a bit smaller as time goes on. Perhaps I need more poop :poop:?