Wild lettuce anyone have any knowledge about it?

I know it randomly grows but I also heard people making it into tincture, syrup etc. For natural remedy. But then again I’ve heard and read that 8 people were in a study taking it and left them with chills, fevers and some other side effects. Is the reason why they had these side effects cause they consumed it raw or extracted wrong? Asking for a friend

??? Welcome

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Wild lettuce… Never heard of it till now… Sounds safe enough…

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The only thing I know about it is that it was used for any pain, antiflammatory and that it’s all natural. But with consuming it raw or whatever you do to it that I don’t know

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Wild lettuce is used for pain along with many other uses like asthma, bronchitis parkinsons etc. The seeds are used for skin. The plant itself contains latex with can irritate the skin.
Like all herbs, and man made medicines, It can cause side effects. It doesn’t matter if its in a capsule or extract. Eating raw would definitely increase chances of side effects because it contains parts of the plant that aren’t pulled out with the extraction process. High doses can suppress the respiratory system( as do narcotics) always be careful and do your research when it comes to herbals. It has a few look alike plants, so if you go out looking, know exactly what you are looking for, I don’t recommend you try harvesting and extracting.
Do not use it if your on any nerve medications. Wild lettuce also has compounds that act on the nervous system, which is why it’s used for nerve pain associated with Lyme’s disease and for Parkinson’s. Do not use of you have glaucoma or BPH


Thank you! So when you properly extract it if it’s the right one the chances of side effects are low?

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I drink wild lettuce tea and have experienced few side effects. I’m a regular opiate user for migraines and am impressed with what wild lettuce can accomplish on its own.


What are the few side effects you have gotten? I think I have wild lettuce growing all over property. I’d have to take some pictures. Can you tell if it is wild lettuce if it’s dead? @FlxerPower

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I have no idea how to identify wild lettuce. I buy what I get from Amazon in bulk.


You can get legit wild lettuce on Amazon? I didn’t know that :person_facepalming: @MidwestGuy

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Does this look like wild lettuce or something else? I broke a piece off and a little white liquid came out @MidwestGuy

I get mine dried and in bulk. I don’t know what live wild lettuce looks like.

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That looks like Lactuca seriola which is a species of wild lettuce, but to be sure check behind a leaf on the veins for pricklys if there is then it is wild lettuce