Why is the Gold leaf flowering already?

They’re not too far along and since the daylight hours have been increasing, I’d think within 3-4 weeks.
Unless they are actually autos.

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@straytrout Once they realize the days are getting longer and not shorter they’ll revert back but it’ll take probably 2 weeks from that moment before they have completely reverted back to veg. And they’ll also grow funky at first. The leaves won’t resemble cannabis leaves for the first couple weeks.

This was taken before I saw signs of pistils but you can see the stretch. She’s pretty big so mine may take a while to revert back. She sprouted on Dec 27th last year. This is Jager OG.

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@Growyourown I guess the pistils just whither away after it returns to veg? Nice looking lady BTW… At what point did you trim the undergrowth? These are my first fems.


@Growyourown Any advantage to topping the plant where the pistils are or should I leave it alone?

Yes, the buds should just fall off when it goes back to veg. If they’ve developed enough you can always cut them off and dry them to smoke.
I just kept the bottom of her clean every time I went in to top or train her. Kept about the top 3 inches of the canopy on her and cleaned the rest.
You can top at any point now but you might be better off to wait til they revert back to veg.

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I hate to tell you this but I ordered some gold leaf August 2018 I planted mine March 10 and they are flowering as yours are by May 1 I looked at the bag and noticed that I had a WWW meaning it was not a goldleaf people told me it was a white widow and auto at that you may want to check into this and look at the designation on the bag this is what mine look like



I put the GL on the bag myself just because those letters did not make sense

Straytrout did you have worm
s this spring?

@Pags my bag says I got the real GL. It appears the pistils are turning brown. I think the plant is reverting back to veg.

@Cantgetnosatisfaction i’ve Squished a few small worms/caterpillars as well as tiny grasshoppers from time to time. I go out to the garden several times a day to check. Once the rain stops i’ll Put out some DE and maybe start a spray regimen.

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Just hope it works out for ya

What does early flower look like? My goldleaf has a lot of cream color fuzz that’s similar to pistols on all of its tips of the branches.

are they flowers? First time grower here so I don’t know what to look for. In all handbooks, they only show full grown flowers.

@Ning Looks like it to me. Are they outside? When did they go in the ground?

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I germinated the seeds about 1/20 this year, transplanted outdoor 2/10/19. We are in SoCal. The night time temp was above 50’s by then. What should I do? Leave them? Or pinch them off to let them vegetate out? They are in full sun and the days are getting longer.

Here are more close up photos.

The Goldleaf is just about 3’-4’. I thought it could grow to 7’. The two plants behind are White Widow. All of them are from female seeds, not autoflower kinds.

This one is another Goldleaf I germinated and transplanted in Early Mar, about 6 weeks later.

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I noticed that the leaves of second set are broader while my first plant has narrower leaves even though they were practically packed together in the same bag. So I don’t know if it could be just variation in the same strain or something else.

You planted these when it was less than 12/12. That didn’t happen until late March. I’d let them go. They’ll figure it out. I also have one GL with big fat leaves while the other one one has thinner leaves (the one that flowered.)


When the hours of light are less than 14, your plants will begin to flower. If you start a plant indoors under a 24/0 or 18/6 lighting schedule and move it outdoors where the hours of light are drastically reduced, it’ll start flowering.
Fortunately the plant will revert back into veg with the increasing daylight this time of year. It’ll just slow its growth for a few weeks while it changes gears.

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in an ideal world, what is it you want to do ?

Thanks so much. Ill leave them be. So would they develop the buds to maturity? Then revert back to veg state? Does that mean there will be two harvest? If the buds don’t develop to full flowers, can they be used? It’s my first time even seeing the plants, let alone planting them. Apology for dumb questions.