White Widow Advice?

I put 3 of the girls from the crowded tent outside today in the wagon and one of them got sunburned I think? See photo. I’ll have to take the liner out, the cavity of wagon box got too warm. At least I think that’s what happened, what do you think? @ bob31 My hubby did spray for crab grass on the other side of garage. Whitening of edge on two leaves

and another is curled.


@Bobbi I love the wagon!! I did a side job for a while where I delivered food to most doctors offices for medical reps n used carts just like that to carry all the food in.

Do you think that’s a sun burn on the leaves or from a spray from weed killer?

In my non-expert opinion it could be a lil shocked from the sunlight. I wouldn’t worry about it TBH unless it gets worse.

I had two other plants out with them and they were smaller. No signs of damage on them, that’s why I was wondering if it was too hot out in the sun or if some weed killer drifted over and this one plant was hit? Should I just leave the leaves on or cut them off, several are affected.

To me it looks like they got a lil shocked by sunlight for the first time which they will get use to eventually. If I were you I would just keep what you’re doing cept keep em far away from the possible weed killer area. N I wouldn’t cut the leaves off yet, let em get bigger.

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Okay, thanks.

Np. Anything I can do to help!

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