White power on white widow

Just want to thank everyone for your response, have 4 more seeds, time to try again.


Am fairly new at thisā€¦ itā€™s all a learning processes. Good luck!!!

Is this a normal thing to happen or just a bad seed or maybe something I did wrong ?

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1- it happens even in stable land race strains. A plant can make thousands of seeds and more. If I had a thousand babies, Iā€™m guessing a few might have ā€œissuesā€.

2- some varieties have a herm gene fixed in them that can express for no reason at all.

3- environmental stress can cause it in an otherwise non herm prone plant. Itā€™s a survival mechanism.

Thank you AAA

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My pleasure buc!

If your trying again, you have to ā€œclean/sterilizeā€ first before it happens again

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pyper, thanks for reminding me and you are correct. Thanks.